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Responses: 3
SFC Joseph Weber
I don't think using clashdaily as a source helps much. Its one of the wackiest fake news sites out there.
SSG William Jones
SSG William Jones
>1 y
@SFC Joseph Weber
I take it that you aren't as familiar with Clash Daily as you would portend. I expect you would have similar thoughts about Rush Limbaugh. Am I close?
SFC Joseph Weber
SFC Joseph Weber
>1 y
SSG William Jones - If your happy with them then that's just fine.
SFC Joseph Weber
SFC Joseph Weber
>1 y
SSG William Jones - Oh, and whats Rush Limbaugh have to do with anything. If you're going to try to use big words, you might want to know what they mean first.
SSG William Jones
SSG William Jones
>1 y
What words do you consider as a big word? I'll be glad to help you with them. Have a great day, @sfc joseph weber. If I can be of any help, don't hesitate to "holler". I don't consider myself to be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but in the almost 70 years God has granted me, I have picked up a nugget here and there. I'm certain that you are much brighter, though. OUT.
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CMSgt Security Forces
Woh, Clashdaily? Haven't heard of that site. According to snoops, it seems the Clash Daily is a terrorist organization. Gotta love snoops.

But, Clash Daily does have a point. The radical left is so invested in their globalist mantra, they fail to see the threat. I have no problem with moderate Muslims who want to come to this country and assimilate. Many nations with large Muslim populations adhere to secular democracies, but they are not named Iraq, Syria, Iran and the like. Muslim immigrants set on Sharia Law need to find another country and stay the hell out...and the ones that want to kill us...them too.

Like it or not we have been killing them for years...actions have consequences.
SSG William Jones
SSG William Jones
>1 y
CMSgt (Join to see) Clash Daily (and it's founder Doug Giles) is no more a terrorist organization than I am an NBA all-star! Do your due diligence and I think you'll gain new insight. I say this with all due respect and without harshness.
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LTC John Shaw
SSG William Jones I don't believe many Democrats/liberals see the threat. They believe that if the US was not in the middle east, the Jihadist would leave us alone. You hear it in the language of the past election when they talk about not taking an action because it will become propaganda for ISIS.
Democrats/liberals need to start supporting reasonable actions to remove the threat, like screening people from countries that have no governmental screening controls. This seems very basic, screening is one of the simplest rules in security. The desire to provide US Constitutional rights to non-US citizens is a globalist doctrine and is not supported by the US Statute or even common law.
This struggle is a world war and until we get all citizens to understand the dogma of the enemy and start to treat this like a world war. Sadly, we/our society are not committed to the fight.
SSG William Jones
SSG William Jones
>1 y
LTC John Shaw You nailed it, sir. DIRECT HIT!!!
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
>1 y
I think that we've allowed ourselves to be lulled into being scared of "terrorism" and "ISIS" without a real threat being established. The total number of terrorist casualties are miniscule in comparison to other threats.

Terrorism is not a significant threat to America or society at this point. More people are killed by toddlers with guns in the US than are killed by terrorists in the US every year. We are dumping extraordinary amount of money into a fight against a boogeyman at this point.
SSG William Jones
SSG William Jones
>1 y
MAJ Bryan Zeski - I respectfully disagree, Major, with your summation. Not sure how you define terrorism but obviously we are world's apart on our perceptions of the word. Peace will be attainable through strength. We must upgrade our military resources. Above all, we must return to being one nation under God.
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