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Responses: 5
PFC Automated Logistical Specialist
Trump Republicanism is here to stay I expect both political parties to split. Trump style Republicanism will form a new party. If Biden doesn't hold up to the demands of the progressives I believe they'll branch off as well. Politics will be forever changed.
SSG Michael Hartsfield
SSG Michael Hartsfield
4 y
SGT John S. Is that all that matters to you? Having the ability to thumb your nose at a person that you don't like while you turned a blind eye to all of the malfeasance associated with Donald's administration? Come on, Man!
PO3 Donald Murphy
PO3 Donald Murphy
4 y
"Trump Republicanism is here to stay..." Hmmm...thats gonna depend on sedition charges. You already have too many conservative leaning splinter parties as it is (Libertarian, Tea Party, Constitutionalists, etc). The smarter - larger - of those parties will use this time to demonize the maga's and clear their name.


That word hasn't been lost on a lot of fence sitting neutrals like myself. So in order for the GOP to show its face on a ballot again, its gonna have to do some house keeping. And its easier to blame the guy that lost, than the guys who stayed. I see the GOP coming back Trump-less. They can't do it any other way.
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CPT Jack Durish
Given up on total blame already? What makes anyone think that "partial blame" will work any better?
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
4 y
SSG Michael Hartsfield - Just because you say it's so, doesn't make it so. You need to cite some law and some specific facts that show the breaking of that law. And my feelings aren't hurt. I simple don't allow people to insult me without responding
SSG Michael Hartsfield
SSG Michael Hartsfield
4 y
So, you were in a coma for the past four years, yeah? If you need for me to hold your hand through the four years of this criminal enterprise that some call a presidency, you are either hopelessly obtuse or willfully ignorant. I also find it insulting that you want me to cite law and some specific facts when you can literally trip over every instance it happened in the Trump administration and when you will gleefully believe a lie about how PA conducts its elections because "it was something you were told."
SSG Michael Hartsfield
SSG Michael Hartsfield
4 y
SGT John S. - That's why everyone that was at the Capitol is going to get caught and arrested and fun fact, NONE OF THEM WERE ANTIFA!

Just take your "L" like a big boy and deal with it.
SSG Michael Hartsfield
SSG Michael Hartsfield
4 y
SGT John S. - *Too and being stuck on FoxNews, OAN, and NewsMax makes you a lemming. Unlike you, I do know how to reference sources and listen to other REPUTABLE news sources to form an educated opinion. All you have is conjecture and assumptions, just like the rest of your fellow lemmings. Gateway Pundit. HA!
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PO3 Donald Murphy
There has been a lot of fractures recently; Tea Party, Libertarian, etc. And while all of these splinter groups may lean conservative, they do not necessarily vote GOP. Only the GOP has RINOs and they are costing the republicans dearly.

The splintering will give the damage controllers a boost. “Look - it wasn’t us” which will help to clean the republican name with Joe Public. After that, it would behoove the party of Lincoln to clean house. A night of the long knives if you will. Estimates are that as many as 47% of the gop are RINOs. That’s too many.

So look to four years of Republican damage control as they try to erase the behavior. Then look to another four years of the republicans relaunching their image.

We won’t see another republican president for a decade.
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