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Responses: 20
MSgt Dale Johnson
I don't have a dog in this race, means little to me if he is confirmed or not. By your language, accusing those here of faux outrage, it would seem to me you are biased no matter what anyone may say. Seems to me you are calling the kettle black, go look in the mirror.
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
>1 y
MSgt Dale Johnson - He is going to try to get you to follow a posting standard he does not follow himself in order to limit your contributions on RP. That is where MSG Sweeney is going here.........just to give you a heads up. He just tried it with me on another thread on this same page. Didn't work in my case.
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
>1 y
MSgt Dale Johnson I get there eventually. Thanks for hanging in there.
MSgt Lowell Skelton
MSgt Lowell Skelton
>1 y
You certainly sound like one. But don't sell yourself short. You've already sunk to incredible levels of incivility.
SSG Aircraft Mechanic
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
MSgt Dale Johnson you nailed it.
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SPC Erich Guenther
Edited >1 y ago
You mean like the fake rape? That even numerous former members of the FBI says there is nothing to investigate. That even the Police in Maryland where there is no statute of limitations on rape, refuse to even look at?

The growing problem as I see it in this society is women using their gender who fake or openly lie about circumstances to gain sympathy, legal advantage in a divorce or seperation or disparrage someone else over just a simple disagreement in view point.

How should we deal with that as a society? I am sure it happens in the Army as well.

This also flies in the face of equal rights. Women want to be treated on the same level and equally as men except for numerous caveats where they want more benefit of the doubt then men and where they can use their "gender card" to play on the "weaker sex" stereotypes. In reality women don't want to be treated equally with men at all. Seems "equal rights" was just a slogan to get something for nothing out of sympathy.

Like the so called "race card" we now have growing use and abuse of the "gender card" and look which political party is leading the way in both respects.
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
>1 y
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff - There is nothing than can make a victim of assault experience worse that facing her accuser and everyone accused has the right to face the person accusing them. A false accusation creates two victims and really more as many that are accused have families. If the FBI and local law enforcement come back and say there is no crime in the Ford case, Kavanaugh's wife and children are now victims as well. Is that the outcome we are really looking at? His wife is female and has the same rights as Ford and if at the end of the day no crime is found, does Ford's rights trump the rights of women in his life on a false accusation?
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
>1 y
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff - There were no accusations or stalling tactics against Gorsuch because the Democrats were keeping count and decided he had a pass since he did not represent a swing vote, instead in the Democrats mind he was a restoration of right vs left decision making. They are raising all this hell and stalling Cavanaugh because the Democrats feel he will tilt the court in favor of the right. How on earth the Democrats have those extensive psychic powers to predict that he will never change his opinions and what he will rule in the future........still unknown. His rulings in the past have changed over time and he even stated in his confirmation hearings his views on Roe vs Wade changed over time........fell on deaf ears.
Lets say he never changes his opinions, what about other members of the court changing theirs over time which has happened repeatedly in the past changing the balance (but no political party could intervene). Did the country fall apart or go to hell in a hand basket?
Nope. Democratic base pushing the Democratic Party says this nomination cannot go through not because he is unqualified on a judicial basis but because he is unqualified on a idealogical basis. This whole thing is a circus and will achieve absolutely nothing in the end but destroy peoples reputations and defile the alleged victim in the public's eyes. Nothing positive is going to come out of it for either side. We are going through it because a few on the left view Supreme Court appointments as a score card on who is winning control of our society. The reality is nothing they have done in the past from Robert Bork to Anita Hill has advanced their cause one bit but it has caused a lot of collateral damage with peoples reputations, confidence in our government to perform, and the ability of left vs right to compromise on other issues. Second FBI background investigation after Anita Hill resulted in a large delay but changed no facts. Precisely why they do not want to repeat the waste of time here.
SSG Aircraft Mechanic
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
SPC Erich Guenther equality has existed for at least 40 years for most groups of people. People these days that scream about equality don’t want to be treated equally, they want to be treated in a manner that puts them on a pedestal above everyone else.
SMSgt Thor Merich
SMSgt Thor Merich
>1 y
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff - False accusations are very common. In my 31 year law enforcement career, I investigated or supervised the investigation of many sex crimes. My experience is that nearly 50% of allegations were proven false. I recently spoke to several retired sex crime investigators who investigated both juvenile and adult sex crimes. They all agreed with my numbers, one juvenile sex crime Investgator said he had a 90 % false reporting level. There was a recent book out that said on the national level, the rate of false reports is roughly 40%.

To say that people don’t lie about sex crimes is completely false.
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CPL Brian Clouser
Remember the 5 Ws? Who, What, When Where and Why? The so-called victim is fuzzy on the details " I think it happened in the summer at someone's house with two boys or was it 4?" Already someone has admitted that she lied about being there and she doesn't know anything about it. Another on that was said to be there is saying that he wasn't, that he has no clue what she talking about. It smells like 5-day old fish. They can't even get what college she is working at right I'll my last dollar that someone is paying her. The truth of the matter is that the cowardly liberals still got their panties in a knot because President Trump won and is leading us away from Socialism and the mess that Europe is in. Another thing, Are you the same person you were at 17? Or 36 years ago? I' m not
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
>1 y
It's all going to end with fingers pointing towards "Casper the Friendly Ghost" and his cartoon series will be pulled from the air as punishment. Then the Senate will move on to vote on the nominee.
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
>1 y
MSG Joseph Cristofaro Oh I read your post when you said “no one said she lied” yet I showed you exactly where someone made that accusation. So lets move on from where you’re wrong on that point.

Yes Judge wrote books that not only including his drinking behavior but that of his buddies; thus was Kavanaugh one of those buddies. So yeah in context it does matter. So you’re now dismissing her cause an unsatisfactory number of people that knew her in high school hasn't come forward to defend her character. That’s not even a requirement for believing an accuser. What next? You’ll judge her by the number of teen friends she had in comparison to Kavanaugh? No wonder popular kids and elitist think they can get away with anything.
Seems like Kavanaugh is getting plenty of benefit of the doubt and support from Republicans and Conservatives in Congress and in the media. So I don’t know how you’re claiming he’s not getting that.
You accuse Dems of ready to tar and feather Kavanaugh yet it’s Ford that is receiving threats of violence.

We’re done here.
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
>1 y
LTC David Brown Yes she named a woman that was at the party. Do you remember every high school or college party you’ve been to? Unlike something traumatic or momentous had happened to you while there you probably wouldn’t remember a 30+ year old party either. But you have to ask the woman a series of related questions to see if anything jogs her memory. Would two extremely drunk guys remember assaulting a girl? Maybe. Would a traumatized girl remember something that traumatized well into her 40-50s? You know she will. I don’t remember every time I went swimming but I remember the time I almost drown during a swim class when I was 8. Memory and trauma is unpredictable.
One last thing, don’t tell a rape victim what she should’ve done. If you’re ever raped do you think you’ll run to the first person you see? Ask a guy who’s been raped. From what I’ve heard from SARCs in mandatory training, men like women won’t run for help right away either.
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
>1 y
MAJ James Woods - She said she didn’t know Kavanaugh or any of the other people Ford mentioned. This is a life long friend. You would think at some point in the years after she recovered the memory she would have said something like “ hey, you remember that party we were at when I was 15? Well I just remembered I was sexual assault there, you remember any thing about it? “. Now there were 5 named people and only 1 of the 5 (Dr. Ford) remembers being there. Now it seems Kavanaugh kept journals. He wasn’t in town most of the summer of 82 according to some sources. Dr Ford insists for now, she was 15 at the time of the alleged assault . So we are pretty sure it was the summer of 82. This isn’t a cold case. There is no record until 2012, the exact location isn’t known. There are even questions about the exact number. Were there 6, Dr Ford, Keysler, Smith, Judge, PJ and one other male or was it 5 Ford, Keysler, Smith, Judge and Kavanaugh? The only one remembering being there is Dr Ford. Now Kavanaugh journaled. So he does have some record. It doesn’t preclude him being there but ,if his journals are accurate , it will severely limit the probability because he was out of town a lot that summer. Also, Ford wasn’t raped. She claims she was sexually assaulted. Some women come forward, some don’t, it is very individual. I also almost drown when I was about 8. Failed a swim test in the deep end.
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