Posted on Mar 14, 2018
Why we invited Jordan Peterson to discuss compelled speech
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 3
Absolutely, MSgt (Join to see) . Free speech is a key and critical democratic concept, and university-supported shout-downs represents a fundamental and dangerous social change in America. This concept (allowing speech you might find hateful) needs to be discussed more in public and academic forums. All Americans MUST be free to speak. It is a fundamental freedom, built on principles going back to ancient Greece. All ideas must be heard in order for the best ideas to rise to the top in a democracy. The shout-down must be stopped and punished by school administrators, or the mob mentality, and its partner, mob violence, will rule what is "acceptable" speech.
This is a more serious topic than most people believe. Fore once the Free Speech Falls the Slavery Enters.
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