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Responses: 10
SN Greg Wright
Because Israel does what we should be doing:

If you slap me, I will punch you.
If you punch me, I will stab you.
If you stab me, I will shoot you.
If you shoot me, I will shoot 10 of yours.

THAT's what ISIS will understand, and that's what Israel does.
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SPC Michael S.
It is going to take some kind of 911 x 10 to wake up the usa. The usa still does not think or just plain old refuses to believe that it is in a struggle to the death. Look how much the usa has changed since 911. They are winning, and continue to win. It will take the mass killing of 50,000 people in order to wake up the usa. Israel knows it is in a struggle for it's very existence, the usa just thinks they are joking.

Just amazing, after pearl harbor the usa was so awake, but was very weary of war just after 3.5 years, it has been 15 years now, and no progress. It's going to be another 100 years before this is solved or we are touching our heads to the prayer rug five times a day. The usa is just not a serious nation today. Too many years of being fat, stupid, drunk, stoned, and lazy. I dont kmow the answer.
MAJ Rene De La Rosa
MAJ Rene De La Rosa
8 y
You are on point. The lack of desire to fight by Americans certainly has Patton turning over in his grave. It is shameful how we have capitulated to these folks, for fear of PC complaints.
SPC Michael S.
SPC Michael S.
8 y
MAJ Rene De La Rosa - i just cant understand we people cant see this? Im not a genuis, but this is blatanly obvious.
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LTC Psychological Operations Officer
Actually, one of the article's main points is that their strategy is to deter rather than defeat. As for how great they do it, the slide is from the Israeli government website.
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