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Responses: 2
Capt Jeff S.
Edited >1 y ago
IF Obama really wanted to make a statement, he would have invited a Syrian Christian refugee (as in a REAL refugee) < the kind that the Muslims he's bringing over are raping and beheading!

This is purely a political stunt. Obama needs a prop for his address so he can ATTEMPT to justify his treasonous foreign policy.

The American people aren't buying Obama's Hope and Change anymore. The majority of Americans do NOT want to bring in Syrian refugees. The Democrats and GOP Establishment RINOs can thank themselves for the rise of outsiders like Trump AND Carson because they quit listening to the voice of the people that elected them, and instead pursue the agenda of the Global Special Interests they sold out to. In so doing they have sold this country out as well. Our leaders have grossly mismanaged our country's finances AND they have been surreptitiously chipping away at our Constitutional Rights and giving up America's sovereignty to foreign control. Their chickens are coming home to roost and mark my words, there IS going to be a reckoning.

The time for justice to be served is looong overdue. It would be entirely fitting to see Obama leave his office early, in disgrace, just as he disgraced the generals whose careers he cut short for having the stones to tell him the inconvenient truths he didn't want to hear. What goes around comes around. Those on both sides of the aisle who were complicit, as well as those who knew of Obama's fraud and yet did nothing, SHOULD be held to account as well. It's time we held those we elected to the oaths they swore and restored control of Washington back to the people of this great country.

I would like to see Congress stripped down to the bare essentials and a restoration of the limited government our Founding Fathers intended. Congress needs to assume the responsibilities it abdicated (such as managing America's currency [i.e., cut ties with the Federal Reserve]), and give up those responsibilities it assumed (such as healthcare, education, managing State lands, etc.). Those responsibilities not specifically granted to the Federal Gov't by our Constitution are the responsibility of the States.

America was never intended to be a socialist nation. The day it becomes one, our experiment in democracy will have failed.

It is going to take generations to dig out of the mess this country has gotten into over the last 50 years... with almost half the mess being created on Obama's watch. History is going to be very harsh when it remembers this fraudulent/scandal plagued Administration.
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