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Responses: 13
SSG Program Control Manager
Fossil Fuel industry in charge of protecting the environment, check. Goldman Sachs in charge of monetary policy, check. Former multinational corporate CEO running the State department, check. Secretary of Defense who jumps into bed (joins board of directors) of fraudulent company Theranos, check. Department of Education placed in hands of Amway billionaire who doesn't believe in public education, check. I doubt Putin could have done a better (worse) job.
LTC Laborer
LTC (Join to see)
8 y
PO3 Steven Sherrill - Not arguing with you ... simply noting that I don't have any basis for giving a grade to Trump on his picks. All of them have the ability to do well ... or poorly ... in the government jobs for which they have been selected. Candidly, that is pretty much the same way it works with politicians and career government service workers. In a sense, they are in the position of lawyers that start out as prosecutors and subsequently become defense lawyers ... or vice versa. The knowledge base is there ... but the orientation and application of it are significantly different. They also have the challenge of acclimating themselves to government bureaucracy ... from the inside vice the outside. My bottom line is that Trump said he was going to drain the swamp ... and he can't do that by filling his administration with swamp rats ...
SSG Program Control Manager
SSG (Join to see)
8 y
PO3 Steven Sherrill - I still hold out a little hope for the fact that those guys are working for Trump, and just because they may be inclined to do bad things... doesn't mean they will be able to do whatever they want.
CDR Jon Corrigan
CDR Jon Corrigan
8 y
SSG (Join to see) - That's the way it's been working for the last eight years - unelected bureaucrats forcing more regulations down our throats without going through Congress. Many federal agencies need to have their 'kingdoms' cut by 90 percent or more.
SSG Program Control Manager
SSG (Join to see)
8 y
CDR Jon Corrigan - That's the way it's been working for the past couple hundred years. The only difference is who is selecting the bureaucrats and what special interest they are favoring/supporting. I think it's fairly clear that the special interests in the drivers seat for the next four years are going to be the fossil fuel and financial industries.
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LCDR Vice President
A++, 4.0
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SFC Michael Hasbun
Solid D..... A++++ for General Mattis, but the Billionaires, weirdos and Bigots bring down his average considerably...
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