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Responses: 4
SGT Kevin Hughes
Okay I guess it is time for my favorite Physics Joke:
An electron and a positron walk into a bar:
The positron says to the electron:
"You are round."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm positive. "
Hee hee.
SGT Kevin Hughes
SGT Kevin Hughes
10 mo
SGT James Murphy - I always miss the obvious.
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SGT Kevin Hughes
With the exception of "they exist intangibly...I am right with the good Doctor." There is a growing bevy of tangible traceable predictable properties of quantum objects which we can, and have experimented with. The Q bits and Quantum Computing, the microtubules in the brain that we recently discovered work as quantum objects, and may (finally) give us some breakthroughs on the "Hard Problem" in Neuroscience (Consciousness), and in Engineering, new materials formed based not on chemistry or metallurgy, but on quantum chemistry are showing up in Labs. Those magnetic chambers that can hold a "Sun in a jar" for a few milliseconds, work off of quantum rules.
And then the speculative stuff is off the charts. Here are just two:
1) Photons move at the speed of light. For them, there is no Time. So does a photon "know" where it is going before it leaves? When it hits my eye, it was in the same moment as when it left the sun however many of thousands of years it took to get to the surface. And did it choose to find my eye?
2) Some Physicists speculate that there might only be one electron. One. Wrap your head around that for a bit.

I don't understand quantum physics, I barely could understand Classical Physics. I took me decades to understand an apple falls in a straight line, the displacement of SpaceTime is why I percieve it to be a curve. Yeah, my head hurts... a lot.
CPT David Tanner
CPT David Tanner
10 mo
Wow, Kevin, you have a great ability to understand the advanced sciences and math. Great for you. I love learning new things, but I so far I am unable to absorb the level you have obtained. Never stop learning. Your name, your integrity, and your education are the only things you can take with you when we die.
SGT Kevin Hughes
SGT Kevin Hughes
10 mo
CPT David Tanner - Captain thanks for the kind words. I am both Autistic and in MENSA, so I tend to focus on things that most people don't notice. Until Computers started getting the graphics right, I had real trouble "seeing" what the numbers meant. But I can recommend two YouTube Channels that I think break the equations down, and visualize their properties well. Thy are "ScienceClick" done by a French Guy but narrated in English, and his animated motions of SPACETIME, and Gravity are so elegant and simple. Watch him explain how an apple falls in SpaceTime...and you will get the picture.
The Other is a Youtube channel by Arvin Ash. His channel says: Simple answers to complex questions. And in my mind, he does a super job of doing just that!
Anyone can understand either of these channels, all you need is curiosity.
CPT David Tanner
CPT David Tanner
10 mo
SGT Kevin Hughes - Ok, thanks Kevin. I will have to check them out. There is a show to watch if you have not. "The Secrets of Skinwalker Ranch". It is fascinating. They have evidence of a large portal or wormhole on the ranch in Utah. Black OPS military are buzzing the ranch, sightings of UAPs, 1.6 GHz unexplained signals, etc. Recommend to anyone. On History Channel on Tuesdays at 8 PM CDT.
SGT Kevin Hughes
SGT Kevin Hughes
10 mo
CPT David Tanner - Going to look that up tonight! Thanks.
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Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Who am I to disagree with him? I buy it!
SGT Kevin Hughes
SGT Kevin Hughes
10 mo
I don't disagree with him either, he is way way above my pay grade, I just think he muffed that wording a bit. Just the Math leaves me in the dust, let alone the properties and "reality" at that level of existence. It is hard to think we may just be "Unreal" in one sense of the world. This is why I read comic books.
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