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Responses: 3
Maj Robert Thornton
Interesting commentary! He understands.
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CPL Douglas Chrysler
I'm calling Wyatt.
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SGT Mary G.
Sgt (Join to see) Terrence K Williams is a trip. Funny! His "Laugh at your own Risk" tour is probably a hoot! He is pointing out the potential anarchy problem.
There are folks who want to be prepared in case of government take-over (martial law); and folks who want to be prepared for anarchy. If one exists (no matter which one), then they both would exit. Why else would anyone want to try to create an insurrection except to have an excuse to declare martial law? We, the people, collectively, need to do better with foresight i.e. cause and effect type stuff.

Not all of the "people like this" referred to in the video were Black, even so, valid point.
However, most of them looked underaged - i.e. a problem of "kids on the block with guns" and parents without good sense.
To put a bunch of children on the t.v. like that and shout "gun control", only points out those are the people who are the problem - with or without gun control laws.
Maybe we need to have "weapons accountability laws" instead? There are plenty of weapons that are already illegal or banned in many places - like brass knuckles, switchblades, nunchucks, throwing stars, and most other martial arts-related weapons i.e. "thug weapons", no doubt there are more. Umbrella's that fire a shot or two, and other 007 type weapons? Illegal? Who knows. States make those laws, and have made whatever laws there also are regarding firearms.
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