Posted on Sep 24, 2018
What Does The Future Of Tech Hold? AI Crisis Awaits, Former Google China Head Says
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 3
The larger the learning/teaching set, the better the results.
BUT! (there’s always a but) you also have to strive for datum with few characteristics in common (data orthogonality). The more shared features of your data points, the greater the odds of having an aberrational AI.
BUT! (there’s always a but) you also have to strive for datum with few characteristics in common (data orthogonality). The more shared features of your data points, the greater the odds of having an aberrational AI.
If this is Google's top guy in China saying that "we are now past the era of research," then Google should review how it goes about searching for senior executives. Also, on a different angle, engineers in the US have the benefit of an internet without government censorship.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
For nontechnical matter the censorship in china is a null issue since it is political not scientific.
China has the advantage of not being run by politicians who attack science, scientists and intellectuals as being an "elite" and liars.
Hell, we are so anti-scientific politically that not a single Republican Senator raised a eyebrow when a fool said that birth control pill were abortion inducing drug. We even elected a Anti-vaxxer as POTUS.
We do not teach math in high-school to any significant level and you can get a bachelors degree with the math level lower than that that simply gradating form high-school used to take.
When did the idea that being elite was a bad thing take hold on the right?
China has the advantage of not being run by politicians who attack science, scientists and intellectuals as being an "elite" and liars.
Hell, we are so anti-scientific politically that not a single Republican Senator raised a eyebrow when a fool said that birth control pill were abortion inducing drug. We even elected a Anti-vaxxer as POTUS.
We do not teach math in high-school to any significant level and you can get a bachelors degree with the math level lower than that that simply gradating form high-school used to take.
When did the idea that being elite was a bad thing take hold on the right?
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