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Responses: 4
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
Funny thing - Trump used to donate to Democrats and supported Hillary and Bill Clinton (hell they were at his last wedding). And supporters say "well everyone can change the way they believe." So is he the only one who can change platforms?

So because this guy believed one way means at no point he could have changed his ideology? I have seen people change viewpoints over the years. I grew up in a very conservative state and I know when I first joined the Army I leaned more conservative but that's changed in the last 13 years escaping that conservative bubble I grew up in. My dad has always been conservative - but he has gotten too conservative in his old age and says things I never thought I would hear him say or agree with (and is pretty disheartening).

Most of those tweets are five years old. (Most not all key word). It's very possible for him to change his views on things. So what if he supports gun control - I know conservatives who support that. I mean c'mon.
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
7 y
Bill Clinton suggested Trump run for President, isn't that interesting?
SSG Diane R.
SSG Diane R.
7 y
Trump has been very close to the DNC in NYC / NY State on many issues. He's an oligarch, no one denies that. I find Kessler suspicious for many reasons, Spencer too.
SSG Diane R.
SSG Diane R.
7 y
LTC David Brown - True! So many people don't know this!
LTC Stephen B.
LTC Stephen B.
7 y
SSG Diane R. - Oprah asked him the the 80s if he was going to run. He was interviewed during the run-up to 2000 election if he was going to run as the Reform Party nominee. Nothing new. His politics don't really fit neatly into either camp, but now that he's won as a Republican, all of a sudden he's a racist/sexist/homophobe/etc. that every Republican gets tagged with, just because.
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CPT Jack Durish
Kind of a mixed bag. Looks more like the ramblings of a lunatic than an ideologue.
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CWO3 Us Marine
Internet is in ink, not pencil - unless you can spend the cash for someone to sanitize your past. IMO just somebody else trying to gain relevance and cook while the fire is hot. Plenty more just like him on both sides.
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