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Responses: 1
SSG Brian G.
Might mean something if those countries and ours were the same. But they are not. Not even close. And this is what "fear mongering" types need to grasp and really let sink in.

Our leaders are elected even 2,4 and 6 years depending on position. In the case of Presidents they are elected 4 years at a time and are locked into a max of 2 four year terms. Our President cannot change this. So the who Dictator, and other crap they keep trying to warn about? Is non existent except in the minds of fear mongers.

In those other countries they had or have a severe problem with their government that we do not have. Their military did not and never was separate from the civilian side. They likewise had no defined system of checks and balances that kept the three branches separate but equal. Their leaders could sit here and say nope, I am disbanding the body of law, I am disbanding the courts... Ours cannot do that. Never has been able to. Never will be. Again... the above peace is by, for and about fear mongers and is not rooted in reality.
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
4 y
SSG Brian G. - They did. For example, how many times has Putin amended the constitution to change term limits? How about Sisi in Egypt? Yup, sure did. How about China? Yes, they did too.

As far as your election comments, they have whatever power we decide to give them. You can sputter that it is unconstitutional all you want but if congress doesn't act of the military/police decide not to get involved, what's your play?
SSG Brian G.
SSG Brian G.
4 y
SPC Kevin Ford - You missed the point. Those countries had NOTHING like ours. To Amend our Constitution it requires either a Convention of states in which 3/4 of the states gather and vote on an amendment or it requires an Amendment to be drafted and that has to be ratified by 3/4 of the states to become part of the Constitution. These other countries? The leader read as dictator... simply makes a decree and it is done. There are no courts where this might be challenged, there is no congressional body that could check the President.

Again, you miss the point. A President can sit and try to "not leave" office after their term is up... but they are powerless. The nuclear codes are changed, the Secrete Service does not answer to them, they cannot pass laws or enact anything. Power and authority goes to the next person legally in line.
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
4 y
SSG Brian G. - No I didn't miss the point, I'd argue that you are. Those other countries didn't start that way they became that way.

You keep talking about how the Constitution works as if it were some sort of magic spell. I assure you it is not. All of that happens simply because we all (or at least enough of us) agree that's what's going to happen. Why? Because it is the norms of conduct we as a society expect and agree will happen.

The question from the article is, how many of those norms can we knock over before the dominos start falling out of control? The Constitution provides no magic to stop the dominos from falling. It's pretty good at making it hard, I'll grant you that, but do not be fooled into thinking it is anything other than what it is, a document that lays out what we agree should happen. It will last as long as enough of us still agree that's what should happen.

For the last several years I've watched the current POTUS's supporters not blink an eye as he knocked down those dominos. Do I think there is some spot where his supporters will suddenly go, well that's too far... I've seen no evidence that will happen.
SSG Brian G.
SSG Brian G.
4 y
SPC Kevin Ford - Nope. If you look, their constitutions were never set up the way ours was.

Nope, I talk about how it works because it works. There is nothing magical to it. It is a well thought out document that works and makes available the ability to change and evolve as the nation grows. lol No, the Constitution functions regardless. IT is the document from whence all our rights and laws flow and are guaranteed.

lol Umm yeah it does. The stops are called the three branches of government. Executive, judicial and legislative. No one person or branch has ultimate power unlike in those countries you mentioned.

It wasn't Trump that militarized police forces. IT was not Trump that first began putting children in cages. Trump has not knocked down any Dominoes. It was not Trump that failed to act to contain riots.. yes RIOTS as those were not protests. You like to place the blame at the feet of Trump but that is hardly fair or the case.
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