Posted on Sep 3, 2017
Watch now: Friday Arts | A Taste of Vietnam, Combat Artists, Peter Handler | WHYY Video
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
Wish Chicago was closer.. PO2 Robert Nichols SSgt Donald Libby Capt Seid Waddell
Wish Chicago was closer.. PO2 Robert Nichols SSgt Donald Libby Capt Seid Waddell

Information about the National Veterans Art Museum
Sgt Deborah Cornatzer I like seeing artists pictures much more than looking at photographs. I get a deeper feeling for what is portrayed. The tiredness and boredom of the soldiers, the anguish, the horror of war just comes through and grabs me in in a way that does not happen in photographs. I wish someone would take these paintings and display them all around the country so we Vietnam veterans could see them.
SSgt Donald Libby
Artists pictures to me capture more of the emotions and feelings of the soldiers than photographs. There is not only the deep feelings of the subject in them but also of the artist.
Sgt Deborah Cornatzer
Yes, unlike photographs, the artists' render their own emotions in their works.
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