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Responses: 6
TSgt Cyber Systems Operations
This one sided click bait shit on Rallypoint has got to stop. First off consider the source. If the site only lends itself to conformation bias (breibart, WP, townhall etc), then its not worth posting. And if the article referenced is an OPINION piece like the WP article is, don't use it to paint all members of a particular group with the same brush.

Articles like this serve absolutely no purpose beyond creating division, and spreading fake news.

Remember when Rallypoint was a military blog? It's spun out of control into a political pissing match, and while it was fun for a while, its time to move past all this nonsense.
LTC Stephen B.
LTC Stephen B.
8 y
Agreed. And all you have to do is click through to the ACTUAL WaPo article and you can get a different take. The opinion piece about the opinion piece is misleading, and neither article has military applicability that would warrant it's publishing on RallyPoint.

This stuff is what FaceBook was designed for.
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SSgt Boyd Welch
Personally, Rally Point has begun to devolve in the same manner as Linked In. Started out as a valuable clearing house for information relevant to military members and past service as Linked In was for career and business networking. Now it is becoming the National Enquirer. I guess a great solution would be to define the terms of service, acceptable content and then "thumbs down" all those posters who are only interested in generating division, or racial strife. I am all for spirited discussion but not posting things that are only designed to offend...
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CW3 Harvey K.
Edited 8 y ago
At an early age I came to realize that it was not Mary's virginity that was venerable, it was her maternity that mattered.
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