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Responses: 6
Sgt Tom Cunnally
He lost me when he returned a salute to a Marine Guard with a cup of coffee in his hand and didn't know how to pronounce "Corpsman"....maybe just a small thing to some but to me it showed a cavalier attitude towards our military. And I don't see him visiting our military bases or hospitals or being at Andrews to honor our fallen when they are returned home from combat.
MSgt John McGowan
MSgt John McGowan
>1 y
SGT Tom- Not being funny but it took you that long. He lost me on the Joe the Plumber and what people did to discredit Joe. I just can't see anything he has done to advance our nation.
SSG Satellite Communication Systems Operator/Maintainer
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
SGT Cunnally, I understand there are things like the coffee cup business that drive us crazy, but I'd like to point out that President Obama has recognized the sacrifice of US service members on many occasions:
Sgt Tom Cunnally
Sgt Tom Cunnally
>1 y
SSG (Join to see) - OK I guess I missed that event but the one that got to me was when Obama held a press conference to announce that James Foley had been beheaded by ISIS. Then Obama would not take any questions because he had to rush back to continue his golf game. Although later Obama said he didn't handle that very well. Also the Sgt Bergdahl's parents Rose Garden ceremony & Susan Rice's comments about the Sgt serving with honor and distinction even though Chuck Hagel had warned Obama that the Army was investigating Bergdahl for desertion. Hagel was later dumped because he clashed with Susan Rice too much.
SSG Satellite Communication Systems Operator/Maintainer
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Thank you Sgt Cunnally, I understand both those points!
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SSG Satellite Communication Systems Operator/Maintainer
Edited >1 y ago
Sgt LaBranche, have you gone over the President's speech, how his reference to the VFW came up? He was referring to the stream of misinformation that goes out across the airwaves on talk radio and Fox News. It was a speech outlining the improvements in the economy and the federal budget made during this administration.
"So, look, here’s my main point: The primary story that Republicans have been telling about the economy is not supported by the facts. It’s just not. They repeat it a lot -- (laughter) -- but it’s not supported by the facts. But they say it anyway. Now, why is that? It’s because it has worked to get them votes, at least at the congressional level.

Because -- and here, look, I’m just being blunt with you -- by telling hardworking, middle-class families that the reason they’re getting squeezed is because of some moochers at the bottom of the income ladder, because of minorities, or because of immigrants, or because of public employees, or because of feminists -- (laughter) -- because of poor folks who aren’t willing to work, they’ve been able to promote policies that protect powerful special interests and those who are at the very top of the economic pyramid. That’s just the truth. (Applause.)

Why don't you take a look at the transcript? I don't think his reference was disrespectful to vets at all; he was directly referring to the pernicious influence of conservative media.
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PO2 Alejandro Abad
Here, here!
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