Posted on Mar 24, 2019
VA Claims Insider Acquires Military Disability Made Easy to Help More Veterans Get the VA...
Edited 6 y ago
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 3
I am guessing this is a company that helps vets through the VA claims process for a fee?
Sgt (Join to see)
Great question LTC (Join to see)! I believe that you are correct, as most organizations are! Not so for the DAV, Disabled American Veterans, who work on behalf of all Disabled Vets with their claims and more without a fee! There are National Services Officers (NSOs), Department Service Officers (DSOs) and Chapter Service Officers (CSOs) and all are trained Veterans who work hand in hand with the Veteran and with the VA... Further, we provide transportation to and from hospital appointments for those who have no self transportation... The DAV purchases vehicles and donates them to this transportation effort... My suggestion to all Veterans needing claims assistance is to contact your state DAV Office and seek the help you need... They will put you in touch with one of their NSOs, DSOs or CSOs to assist you...
Commander, DAV Chapter #90, Norwood, MA
Commander, DAV Chapter #90, Norwood, MA
Capt Brian Reese
Sgt (Join to see) - you're correct! We love our VSOs and our company donates a ton of $ to DAV.
Capt Brian Reese
Hi LTC Frank, happy to help you any way I can. VA Claims Insider is a medical consulting firm. VA Claims Insider Elite is our premier medical consulting program to help Veterans get the VA disability rating and compensation YOU deserve. The #1 reason why VA disability claims get denied is due to a lack of medical evidence. The #2 reason is the VA Rating Official is unable to determine the “Nexus,” and therefore, cannot grant service-connection. We help you overcome these two problems by connecting you with medical professionals in our referral network who can provide Disability Benefit Questionnaire (DBQ) reviews and credible Medical Nexus opinions for a wide range of conditions. We are NOT accredited VA claim representatives, VSOs, agents, or attorneys.
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