Posted on May 29, 2014
Navy Adds Intense Creative Writing Course To SEAL Training
Edited 11 y ago
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 3
We are tracking that this is a satire site? I only point this out because if you ever read the comments at the bottom of the articles, a lot of people think this is a legit news site.
We are tracking that this is a satire site? I only point this out because if you ever read the comments at the bottom of the articles, a lot of people think this is a legit news site.
COL Vincent Stoneking
Yes, one of my favorites.
But it does raise a point (that I agree with) about the current generation of memoirs coming out.
But it does raise a point (that I agree with) about the current generation of memoirs coming out.
CMSgt James Nolan
@2ndLt Blais, that is what makes those sites so awesomely funny. The morons who think it is real. For example I had heard that part of SF Q Course was a class on baking, so that when the guys are out in the desert (dry heat) they can make pastries using MRE ingredients. That the class was so good, that one of the guys was going to open up a store in Hollywood that specializes in high end coffees and pastry delights. BWAHAHA
COL Vincent Stoneking
Yes, I'd like to think that nobody is unaware of that fact, but thanks for checking.
The sad part is that some stories hold a grain of truth. I always laugh and then realize that some day they may be true. Think about that next time you laugh at a story there.
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