Posted on Jan 15, 2018
United States National Reserve Corps - Information and Recuitment Page
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 3
The National Guard has the same problem. I'm surprised you never saw a PX soldier on active duty. It is not ACU's that make up the military it is your brothers, worry about final honors rather than a piece of cloth.
Eric Vasconselles is not an Army captain with 25 years of service
Someone sent us their work on this fellow, Eric Vasconselles. For some reason or other, some folks are under the impression that he is an Army Captain with 25 years of service and that he served in…
There appears to be a misconception about stolen valor. In a recent supreme court ruling, the wearing of military awards not earned is NOT stolen valor. To clarify ,I too am a member of the USNRC and a 28 year veteran of the US Army and Reserves, know the wearing of decorative awards by members of the unit members not earned is NOT condoned. This misinformation comes from someone who attended one 4 hour training session.
This is certainly interesting. I will have to look into this FB page when I get home from work. Do they have any other kind of web page other than their FB?
SPC Mark Siapco
If you go on fb page and click on about, you will find a link to another webpage. The U.S. National Reserve Coprs is the new Alabama State Defense Force I believe. Please understand I'm only trying to restore honor to those in this Unit who falsely claims what they didn't actually earn.
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