Posted on May 31, 2024
U.S. Marines with 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing conduct Marine Corps martial arts training
Posted 10 mo ago
Responses: 3
Having done both the Army's Combatives program (well, just BCC for now) and three belts in the Marine Corps I can definitely say is overall more brutal, but the sessions are significantly shorter; while BCC is the whole business day each day.
SGT Aaron Atwood
***the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program is more brutal.
Sorry if my comment confused anyone.
Sorry if my comment confused anyone.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel My brother was at Cherry Point while I was at Camp Lejeune and my other brother was at New River. Three brothers all in the Marines stations within fifty miles of each other at the same time. How often does that happen?!
I have no hand to hand skills, but I can take a beating and lip off all the way to the ground. My two defensive moves, are to hit them with either my chin, or stomach, then either pee, or vomit. Then they usually leave me alone.
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