Posted on Nov 8, 2021
U.S. charges two suspected major ransomware operators
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
We are doing better to catch these folks, but it's not going to get any easier. They'll just get better at hiding (behind unfriendly governments).
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Maj (Join to see) Both Sponsored by Sweet Mother Russia, They're not going anywhere, at least anywhere where they will be Extradited!
Maj (Join to see)
That is one of the hardest parts to this puzzle. Russia turns a blind eye as long as they aren't attacking other Russians. They are master's at deception. Americans are very straightforward. Russia has a history of using diplomatic psyop and deception against the rest of us - say one thing and do another. The Chinese government is very good at this, as well.
I'm afraid their success rate is way better than our prosecution rate so unfortunately nothing will change.
Maj (Join to see)
It is still way better, but the fact that we are seeing any prosecutions at this point is a turn in the right direction. It will be slow and never 100%, but our federal LE and other developed nations' LE are getting better.
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