Posted on Mar 31, 2017
Two female Infantry officers set to graduate from Ranger School
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 29
1LT (Join to see) I would like to apologize for my fellow soldiers that have their heads buried so far up their 4th point of contact that they can see a little bit of daylight, BUT I am not going to.
The reason is that they epitomize the oxy-moronic statement about assumptions.
No wonder the current US Military and the US general populace have so many problems due to the state of affairs with their education (or lack there of) and the state of affairs with what is now called Main Stream Media. Whereas instead of actually checking the information, they come to a conclusion due to the headline and a single picture. If this is the same type of people that we (the American people) have hired for our various intelligence agencies, no wonder we have so many problems related to our low information voters and the government.
Sorry for the political rant, these two young ladies deserve better on the day of their graduation from Ranger School.
The reason is that they epitomize the oxy-moronic statement about assumptions.
No wonder the current US Military and the US general populace have so many problems due to the state of affairs with their education (or lack there of) and the state of affairs with what is now called Main Stream Media. Whereas instead of actually checking the information, they come to a conclusion due to the headline and a single picture. If this is the same type of people that we (the American people) have hired for our various intelligence agencies, no wonder we have so many problems related to our low information voters and the government.
Sorry for the political rant, these two young ladies deserve better on the day of their graduation from Ranger School.
SSG Robert Webster
Matthew Spaeth - Do you really know any Rangers or are you just talking shit?
And if your going to talk about choice in a forum such as this one, I would suggest that you walk a mile or two in our boots. If you want to make that choice, tell us the city that you live in and I am sure that we can find a recruiter that would gladly sign you up if you are young enough, educated enough, mentally and physically fit, and hopefully with little or no criminal record. Which Branch of Service and Occupational Field do you have the desire to have a choice for? I am sure that if there is an opening in the Ranger Regiment or the 82nd Airborne Division, that we can get you the assignment, or do you choose to remain a civilian talking shit?
And since you would not understand a statement that I would tell a fellow service member because the nuance would be lost on someone like you, I will just say it in a manner that you could probably understand - Pull your head out of your ass or put your money where your mouth is.
And if your going to talk about choice in a forum such as this one, I would suggest that you walk a mile or two in our boots. If you want to make that choice, tell us the city that you live in and I am sure that we can find a recruiter that would gladly sign you up if you are young enough, educated enough, mentally and physically fit, and hopefully with little or no criminal record. Which Branch of Service and Occupational Field do you have the desire to have a choice for? I am sure that if there is an opening in the Ranger Regiment or the 82nd Airborne Division, that we can get you the assignment, or do you choose to remain a civilian talking shit?
And since you would not understand a statement that I would tell a fellow service member because the nuance would be lost on someone like you, I will just say it in a manner that you could probably understand - Pull your head out of your ass or put your money where your mouth is.
Matthew Spaeth
Sorry 52. If you don't like my opinion too bad. Your entitled to yours. I'm entitled to mine. The president and Congress will decide this issue no matter what I think. Maybe , perhaps, but given their track record probably not.
MAJ Thomas Person
I believe somewhere I gave them credit for hanging in got 6 months. if they had got thru with the same tasks conditions & standards I would have gone to my room and yelled out loud. The last word comes to mind. (Standards) Except for child birth and vet school I believe I would have had a good chance at graduation if I spent 6 months at FT Benning GA being taught the tasks conditions and standards. I would have liked if I had a female walker with me ensuring that no one "did anything" to me thru those 6 months while on patrol. No matter what anyone say that is a something different than what other receive. Period. A different standard...period. Get it? Again they had some guts for trying and taking 6 months. Got it. But it is different. In combat and at the Regiment and the battalions there will be no "female walker" watching over them when some Mooj grabs one of them. What am I saying? they might just well have one. I imagine the former 11th Infantry Commander is now a BG.
SSG Robert Webster
LCDR T.J. Smith (Retired) - Is your comment meant for me or someone else on this thread?
Thank you for sharing, ma'am. It is encouraging to hear that over a year after the first females graduated, there are still females pressing forward in some of the most challenging billets available despite the obstacles and opposition.
LTC Stephen C.
PO2 (Join to see), my expectation is that one day in the not too distant future, we'll be congratulating 1LT (Join to see)!
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