Posted on Sep 8, 2016
Trump Stands by Controversial Tweet About Military Sex Assaults
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
If I a needed better reason to not have Trump as president, this one cemented it for me
Tyra Lynne Wahl
The man is ADD and bi-polar, there just cannot be any other logical explanation other than that for these seriously off kilter things he keeps saying.
I don't see anything in this condoning sexual assault. And, to be fair, he has a point. Military life is more stressful than any other environment. Look at the incidence of sexual assault in the civilian workplace or on campuses which are relatively stress free. What did these "geniuses" expect?
MCPO Roger Collins
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - The people that I served with did not act like a street gang of a bunch of marauding Muslim refugees in Germany. Your depiction is disgusting and unbelievable. When has a rapist convicted in the military been let go? What does the sexual assault grow significantly? Our culture is in decline and that is permeated though out society as a result of the left agenda.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
MCPO Roger Collins - rpist being covered for has been a recoccuring scandal for decades Commanders ignoring reported rapes has been a scandal for longer and keincy for convicted rapists is quite common, while I was stationed at Kunsan, the Commander there was revived after multiple complaints of sexual assault on a junior officers, The man was relived and allowed to retire instead of being court marshaled and spending a decade or so in prison.
MCPO Roger Collins
Anecdotal evidence, unless you were part of the claim, you do not know all the facts, that is not always true. Most of our professional leaders in the military, as with any profession are honest law abiding people. Your spell check broken?
SSG Michael Hartsfield
It was policy back in the day to either "forcibly retire", transfer, or find a reason to kick out men accused of rape or sexual harassment because that person's actions would be on the Commander's OER. I guess those commanders felt their career was worth more than their Soldier's well being
How many times did Donald Trump affirm that he wanted a designated area of law within the UCMJ/Milatary Judicial system to tackle the issue because the apparent numbers are staggering. (non-liberal translation)
SPC James Harsh
MSgt Michael Bischoff - Penetta hasn't confronted the issue or anyone else, instead pushing sexual orientation and gender as focal points of integration. It's not that it should be reversed, Trump's solution would be more of an invaluable tool than ever. More passing of the buck is what people have been getting under the current administration and we should expect more passing of the buck if Hillary becomes President.
MSgt Michael Bischoff
SPC James Harsh - I don't in the land of fairy dust where if you leave things alone and don't talk about it will go away. Which is the mentality I'm hearing here.
CPT Jack Durish
MSgt Michael Bischoff - Who is saying anything like "...don't talk about it will go away"?
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