Posted on Feb 22, 2019
Trump's Venezuela Moves Follow Long History Of Intervention In Latin America
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 2
I support any action right up to the deploying of troops. My support stops there. We do not have a very good record in the past when we get involved militarily with another nation's politics.
Intervention in Latin America had a specific purpose and for the most part was successful prior to the 80s. The problem is, we need to invest more into our neighbors to the south. Right now Trump is vocalizing the US official position on Venezuela, which is that Maduro's government has failed and that the Venezuelan's have better options. There's nothing wrong with that, especially in the interest of keeping South America stable. There are other outside influencers working to affect the outcome in several nations throughout Latin America and they play dirty. It is imperative that the US does what it can to contain that influence.
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