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SGT Air Defense Radar Repairer
It amazes me that there are any lawyers left willing to take trump on as a client.
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
LTC Eugene Chu LOL! Trumps an Idiot "I Only Hire the Best".
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LTC Self Employed
Thank goodness the judge noticed that the blanket plea deal was hidden in the Deferred weapons charge. The Deferred misdemeanor charge that nobody, I mean nobody would get unless you were a brighten. Normally you would serve years of prison time but the bidens have the same Hillary Clinton Teflon so far ..
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9 mo
I guess the whinny little Trump hating liberals on RP missed the Hunter Biden case today, when the liberal Biden loving judge cringed because the FBI and the prosecutors found cocaine residue being found on the weapon and the pouch it was kept in, lmao so thankfully the judge did not dismiss the weapons charges against Hunter Biden, the felon in possession of an Illegally purchased weapon because Hunter willing and purposely lied when he purchased the weapon. To make matters worse for “poor Hunter” is there was still cocaine actually embedded into the pouch and on the weapon so there must have been a huge amount to leave residue embedded in the pouch, lmao again. I guess he was snorting his coke through the barrel of his revolver, again lmao. I think if I were Hunter and his incompetence lawyers I would have at least attempted to get the cocaine out of the pouch and off the weapon before it was taken into evidence, especially when you were told exactly when the FBI would be there to retrieve the evidence, instead of just making a spectacle out raiding his home like they did Trump. They were so confident that this Biden loving judge was just going to dismiss the charges because after all he’s “Hunter the crackhead” Biden so they weren’t even worried about the judge not throwing out that charge. Im glad that judge was able to look at evidence and agreed that crackheads shouldn’t purchase or take possession of a firearm because a crackhead a crackhead even if you daddy is the president. Sadly we have our usual group of Trump bashing liberals on RP trashing Trumps lawyer for not filing a document she wanted entered into evidence in time and they find that incompetent. Hum, lets see, cocaine embedded into the pouch of an illegally purchased weapon by convicted felony and crackhead in possession of an illegally purchased firearm doesn’t even register as a problem. Nope again the liberals on RP are trashing a young Trump lawyer that’s being verbally abused and talked down to like she’s an idiot by a raging biased liberal Trump hating judge but the RP liberals don’t see a problem with Hunter and his incompetent, overpaid lawyer letting a cocaine invested weapon and pouch go into FBI evidence and they’re trying to get a Biden loving Judge to throw out the weapons charge of a crackhead felon in possession of an illegally purchase firearm that’s covered with his so much cocaine that even a liberal Biden loving judge wasn’t buying their bullshit and said hell no and scorched both crackhead Hunter and his arrogant incompetent lawyer. I can’t believe the cocaine found in the pouch and on the firearm that was illegally purchased and possessed by crackhead Hunter didn’t even make the todays or the evening news but Trumps young lawyer getting rimmed by a liberal Trump hating judge does. Hum, again what’s wrong with these liberals on RP trashing a young lawyer as being stupid which she isn’t but they won’t even mention the real headline of the day which should have been, President Biden’s crackheaded son could not get the judge to dismiss the weapons charges of a convicted felon in possession of an illegally purchased firearm by a convicted self confessed drug addict. Hum, I guess I’ll go with the young lawyer asking to submit into record a document that was accidentally left out and the Trump hating judge tells her hell no take a break and get your act together was his POS biased answer. An honest unbiased judge would have gave her permission to enter it into the record as evidence unless he has a bias our something he wants to hide from the record. Oh well it’s crazy season again and our liberal RP buddies are going to start flooding us with more memes and every Trump inaccurate, unsourced, biased Trump bashing article they can get their little Trump hating hands on be it true or false. I’m not even going to respond to their childish garbage they call News, we call it what it is Fake News. Semper Fi my friends and let the party begin.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
9 mo
MGySgt Samuel Steen What they do to me is still insult me and say that I'm stupid or crazy. But they won't answer or they won't reflect on what was posted. It's okay to disagree. But a lot of these knuckleheads just attack me.
They could always say I disagree for a b and c.

Instead, because they attack me or they attack you. I use the analogy that they've fallen back from their primary and now secondary fighting position and their back is against the wall. And they're calling in artillery on themselves because they can't defend their position so they have to attack you. I use this video from platoon.

I got used to it from idiots on Facebook. But we have a few of these. That somehow get into rally point and They have cannabis psychosis when they run up against someone that doesn't agree with them...

PO1 William "Chip" Nagel MGySgt Samuel Steen SGT (Join to see)
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