Posted on Aug 27, 2017
Trump has no time or words for America's dead sailors and their families
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
Or perhaps he has extended his condolences privately through the chain of command; unlike his predecessors of both parties. I am a little sick of self-serving perfunctory public condolences as a PR opportunity. If you really mean it, you express condolences privately, to individuals that are in pain now and the foreseeable future; not the publicly via TV camera to the nation, most of whom won't think too much about the tragedy starting the day after tomorrow.
SSgt Christopher Brose
You know the media would be viciously attacking him for self-aggrandizement if he did it publicly. Rachel Madcow and Chris Matthews and Morning Joe would all be talking about how narcissistic it makes him and how mentally unfit for office he is, you know, exactly like they do with everything else.
Allow me to rest your mind and tell you it's not true. Be not disturbed. It's Salon, meaning it's anti-Trump, and virtually everything in that article was speculation.
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