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Responses: 5
MSgt Operations Intelligence
Edited >1 y ago
Yeah, like how Obama stood up to Russia when they took control of Crimea. Obama will be out soon. 63 days and counting.
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SFC George Smith
only because His Socialist Friends are upset another socialist was not elected... and he's shooting off his mouth on his last apology tour...
MSgt Michael Bischoff
MSgt Michael Bischoff
>1 y
So are you going to collect social security when are eligible?
SFC Opsnco
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
At the rate we are spending on "entitlements", I don't think anyone younger than 40 will be collecting a social security "benefit". It's not a entitlement when you have paid for it and into it.
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CDR Naval Aviator
I would ask this, why are we still carrying Europe on our backs? Or for that matter Israel? Yes we should support our allies but do we have to carry the water, the sink, the whole house on our backs when we have other issues in the world to deal with and both Europe and Israel are well past being self sufficient.

Also why not engage with both North Korea and Iran? Both are emergent nuclear powers. Is it not better to keep talking diffuse situations rather than antagonize and end up in a possible nuclear exchange (where no-one wins)?

I have no issue with trading 5 dirt bags to get back one service-member so we can court martial him. Plus they are all still stuck in Qatar and not going anywhere anytime soon. Great trade, no but it will do.

Syria and chemical weapons - Yeah that was a colossal mistake in the way it was handled. Poorly handled and really did result in emboldening of Russia and the some of the current issues in Syria and Iraq. while I do't agree with it you can see the logic that we just finished up in Iraq after 8 years, we were still in Afghanistan and having to deal with issues around the world. What troops are you going to use and would the American people be willing to accept more dead troops? Tough call to make, only made easier in hind sight.

Collapse of the Middle East and ISIS. History did not start of January 20th, 2009. The Middle East has been a mess for centuries and recent European and US interventions in the area have not always been helpful. That little power vacuum in Iraq occurred several years earlier due to the US invasion in 2003. Iran has hated us since we tolled their government in 1953 to control the oil there. ISIS, Al Qeida and all the other terrorist groups that morph from one name to another have been around just as long and will continue to be until the countries of the region address the reasons the terrorist exist. It's not because of the US but because the governments there are corrupt and don't take care f the people which is fertile ground to grow terrorist groups.

The President shifted the scope of the missile defense shield as threats and requirements change. Europe has fleet theater ballistic missile defense ships and other system in place. They are just fine. Plus it is a little tough to pay for that type of stuff when you economy goes in to the toilet.

Lets see we have given Iran $400 million plus a $1.3 billion interest payment and we just gave Israel $38 billion over 10 years in addition to giving an average of $2.75 billion each year from 2009 to 2016. I guess it is tough to get a good $38 billion dollar sweater to cover that cold shoulder.

Yes the military has transformed. While I may not always agree with the changes they have also not hurt our readiness at all. Our readiness has been hurt by a neglectful congress and an economy that went into the crapper.

I am not defending President Obama. Has President Obama been the greatest President Even. I don't think so, not even close. I give him the benefit of the doubt that he tried to do the best he could under the situation that he had. Did I agree with all of his policies, no but that is life. Has he hurt the nation, no. We are all just fine. Some of us much more whiny (millenials), some of us finally understanding the struggle and issues that minorities and women have endured for centuries (white middle and lower class guys), and some of us walking on the backs of the rest of America (upper class and congress).

What I don't like is unsubstantiated attacks on someone because you don't like that person. I would put out the facts in the exact same manner for any previous President and for President Elect Trump.
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