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Responses: 1
SN Greg Wright
So, what, CTO1? I'm supposed to accept people that break our laws? (Undocumented immigrants?)
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
8 y
Well these "Undocumented" "Illegals" or whatever Label you want to use are my Neighbors here in the KC Metro. Their Priest that runs the Main "Sanctuary" Church in the Main "Sanctuary" City of Kansas City Kansas is a Family Friend and has been for many years. He Baptized my Nephew. They Clean the Buildings that I do Security in. They do have a "Government ID" it just happens to be a Mexican Consulate ID most of the time. I can understand your point but to me they are my Neighbors, my Friends, My Co-Workers, My Fellow Catholics and I am every bit as Protective of them as I am my Fellow CTOs, Shipmates that I served with. One of the most Important Values that we have as Military Members is Personal Loyalty. Can you understand Now?
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
8 y
As a German American I know the First Thing the Nazis did was say the Jews and Gypsys were not "Real" Germans then they said that they were Sub Human. Do You Understand where I'm Coming From?
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
SN Greg Wright
SN Greg Wright
8 y
I do hear you, PO1, and I think I try to understand your point. Yet I find it hard to reconcile with...the law. The law is not emotional, has no attachments. It's pretty black and white. Did you follow a legal process to get here. (Not YOU of course, Chip). If the answer is no, none of the things you say here are applicable.
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