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Responses: 11
CPT Jack Durish
I debated this issue when I was in college during 1960. Yes, this very issue. It's been around for a long time. I argued then, and still argue today, that we needed to repair the extant health care payment system. Sadly, the Affordable Care Act not only didn't repair the health care payment system, but also exacerbated problems with the health care service industry. To be fair, Obamacare doesn't need to be repealed. It's repealing itself. It is not sustainable. So, let's stop playing politics with it and start working on repairing it... properly. Start by eliminating as much bureaucratic interference (create by the ACA) as possible to allow traditional healthcare insurance to recover and then fix those things that need fixing without making a bigger mess.

I'll give you one idea to start with: Set up an uninsured fund for those who elect to avoid paying health insurance premiums. I'm not talking about those who can't have traditional insurance because they can't afford it or have pre-existing conditions. I'm talking about those who elect not to have health insurance (mostly the young) because they feel invincible and want to spend their money on other things (pleasures). Create a tax funded trust fund to pay for their emergency and major medical costs for which they are liable to repay the fund (a debt that cannot be discharged through bankruptcy). This will most likely cause many to rethink their spending choices. Others will suffer the consequences (as well they should). Society should not suffer for them.

For those who cannot afford health insurance or have pre-existing conditions, we can build safety nets. The costs of these will be far less than having the government interfere in everyone's healthcare for the benefit of a few.

This is simply a beginning. Actually, they are ideas thought up by a seventeen year old college freshman back in 1960. Surely, our wisest heads can do better.
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SFC George Smith
depending how it is addressed and what they repeal out of it...
the additional taxes and BS regulations along with medical assessment panels could go and nothing would Change...
there are many things that could be eliminated
The ACA would work at State level as it did in Massachusetts... be cause the federal government picked Up the Slack ... but on the Federal Level there is no one to backstop and support the costs Overruns...
keep in Mind this is the same plan HRC tried to shove down our throats in the 90's but the People were too Smart then to let it happen... all the DNC did was dig it out and dust it off and add 1000 pages in BS regulations and Taxes... and shoved it down our throats...
remember Botox Nancy Pelosi... "We Have to Pass this before you can read it... "
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MSgt James Mullis
and you can keep your insurance if you like it, and you can keep your Doctor, and you will pay less, and maybe your Grandma shouldn't have that knee transplant...she should be given lots of drugs until she dies, because that's cheaper...no wait...that wasn't PE Trump...that was President Obama!
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