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Responses: 6
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SFC Pete Kain
Many people saw this coming, but were shouted down and ridiculed by the loony left. Pray that America wakes up to this B.S sooner rather than later.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
Again, from the deviant party. Yes, this was and is predictable.
SFC Pete Kain
SFC Pete Kain
>1 y
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff - Empowering of perverts is never a good thing, sad that you fail to see or understand that.
SFC Pete Kain
SFC Pete Kain
>1 y
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff -I just don't buy into the transgender B.S.
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LTC Owner
next will come the cry, don't blame the community for one misdeed... of course that logic doesn't apply to guns.
SPC Greg K.
SPC Greg K.
>1 y
so true...!!! Maybe Transgenders should have to have a background check!!!!
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SSG Diane R.
First of all, this happened in a private home not a public restroom.

Transsexuals (the proper medical term) are generally under high dose hormone therapy, which generally reduces ones libido to nearly nothing.

There were likely other issues at work here, this perp being a sexual predator being one of them.

All the media sensationalism and hardcore push from the LGBT community have actually shined a bright spotlight on transsexuals, making them vulnerable to blowback.

I have been using the ladies room since 1991 without incident, but have noticed the harder the media and National politicians push this issue, the more apprehensive people have become.

In my humble opinion this is deliberate, for too long the media and Hollywood have been complicit in pedophilia and this is a great distraction, let's bash the trannys because they are nearly defenseless and everybody can hate them with impunity. PFC Lisa McDonald
SPC Greg K.
SPC Greg K.
>1 y
SSG Diane R. - I was merely making an analogy to your statement about everyone bashing tranny's. Everyone is treated unfairly...and everything shouldn't be made out to be a victim.
SSG Diane R.
SSG Diane R.
>1 y
PFC Lisa McDonald - I know the type, and avoid them.
SPC Greg K.
SPC Greg K.
>1 y
PFC Lisa McDonald - Everyone's to blame...no one is perfect, we all have faults and we all sin. There's only one perfect one and i don't claim to be him. To call me a sinner, hypocrite, hardcore...or whatever, those are all true, I can throw in a few more.
I'm no saint, don't claim to be and never will be. But I certainly don't have to agree with things just because "society" says I need to. I don't have to account to anyone on this earth. Unless this transgender dude is "Saved" there's a special place waiting for him and it won't be a pleasant stay. It's not my place to judge his ultimate spiritual end but I certainly don't have to accept his lifestyle either. Just like you don't have to accept my hetero lifestyle, my love of beer and cigars, my choice of foods or what race, look and style I find attractive in a woman...
PFC Lisa McDonald
PFC Lisa McDonald
>1 y
SPC Greg K nobody bashes all Christians just certain ones stick out like sore thumbs.
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