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Responses: 14
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
As I've said before on this article I worry about our leadership making public statements about the internal workings of our defense. It's not a good practice under any situation, and only gives fodder to the far left and right elements of our society. Some things need to be left secret. I wonder what these people are thinking.
SSG Robert Webster
SSG Robert Webster
7 y
Good question, SFC (Join to see).
Lt Col Jim Coe
Lt Col Jim Coe
7 y
I think they are sending a planned message to our allies and enemies. We have a strong nuclear capability; it's controlled by serious people who make well considered decisions.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
7 y
Sir I understand what you are saying. I don't believe it will be inturpeted the way you believe. I believe the way it will be inturprted will be: OK, we have some safeguards from us being attacked. How can we cause a public weaking of support for a divided nation to further insulate ourselfs from attack while attacking our enemy and making them weaker? These people care nothing for our reserve, that is our deliberation, they plan to win at any cost. My opinion.
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SFC William H.
It seems the further up the flag pole you go, the less security conscious one becomes. Just because the Media asks does not mean you have to answer.
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MCPO Roger Collins
Duplicate post. Same response fire anyone that doesn’t understand Or ignores the COC. In these times, 30 minutes could mean millions of American lives and potentially our freedom.
SSG Robert Webster
SSG Robert Webster
7 y
MCPO Roger Collins Thank you for pointing out that this is a duplicate post. When I started to create the share, I did not see it in the news stream. I do believe that there have been complaints about this in the past.
Would you be kind enough to place a link to the other discussion in this one?
Thank you.
SSG Robert Webster
SSG Robert Webster
7 y
MCPO Roger Collins Not exactly a duplicate if you are referencing "The Hill" article posted by CMSgt (Join to see). But close enough.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
7 y
I think you’re taking this personal. No offense intended. On other sites the admins would catch duplications and consolidate them. That way, all comments are together.
SSG Robert Webster
SSG Robert Webster
7 y
MCPO Roger Collins - Not taking it personal.
I was just pointing out that what you are referring to happens quite frequently on RP. And has been a point of discussion.
Sorry if you thought that I was taking it personal.

Considering how things currently are on RP and with past muck-ups when they have tried to consolidate post in the past, if there is a duplicate or similar posting, I am all for linking the other discussion in, especially since it is difficult to search for such items without specific fore-knowledge. It can even be difficult when trying to locate a discussion that you know is out there and even participated in, so if you can post a link at times, it is extremely helpful.
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