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CPT Jack Durish
Every one of Hillary's "accomplishments" cited by the general as the foundation of his endorsement is an abject failure. The ceasefire between Israel and Hamas? How many of those have we seen and how many held? The "historic" nuclear deal with Iran is already broken. And yes, Hillary knows the "value" of allies. Look at how they added to her bank account in exchange for the influence she peddled. (Yes, I skipped over climate change. I can't believe he actually mentioned that. While Hillary and the other fools are negotiating deals, the US is the only one who has reduced carbon emissions even without treaty obligations while those who signed the treaties continue increasing theirs). I fear that the general's rationale is a thin veil for his one and only rationale; Donald Trump is perceived as a bigot despite the fact that there is no credible evidence to support that charge.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
The language of diplomacy didn't seem to hold very well, nearly every place Hillary landed in of had diplomatic dealings with are now currently at war. She has been a disaster as far as diplomacy. Airlines don't make for presidential qualifications, as noted you don't make things happen flying around like a bee collecting nectar. Sure would like to see how many of those 112 countries. out of 195, made contributions to the CGI just prior to making said contributions?
SGT William Howell
SGT William Howell
>1 y
CPT Jack Durish Preach!!! Brother Durish...Preach!!! You got and Amen from over here!
SFC Leo McIntyre
SFC Leo McIntyre
>1 y
Jack, libs throw out 'race' when they have NO OTHER basis of defense in an argument... Also, ANY member of the military that would endorse her, especially a flag grade officer, should be subject to the SAME punishment as her once she is FINALLY arrested and prosecuted. Here's why, they have ALL held security clearances and KNOW ramifications of divulging classified, knowingly OR unknowingly. Furthermore, as someone who led troops in area's like Iraq, he should be even MORE critical of Killiary, someone who LIES about everything, including being 'shot at when arriving in Bosnia'!
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LTC Psychological Operations Officer
I predict that soon this thread will be filled with posts denigrating this general without addressing any of the important points he raises in his opinion piece.
PO1 Cryptologic Technician Collection
PO1 (Join to see)
>1 y
That's the M.O. It is easier to bring people down to their level than it is to elevate their candidate.
PO3 David Fries
PO3 David Fries
>1 y
Welcome to partisan politics. It happens on every political thread, regardless of affiliation.
LTC Immigration Judge
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
PO1 (Join to see) - Especially when their buffoon of a racist, bigoted and downright offensive con-man candidate cannot be elevated.
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LTC Immigration Judge
Thank you General for ignoring the right-wing "Swift Boat" smear and seeing the danger that Donald Trump presents.
LTC Immigration Judge
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
SFC Leo McIntyre - If you don't know at this point, I can't explain it to you.
SFC Leo McIntyre
SFC Leo McIntyre
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - Now THAT is a BS response and TYPICAL for a Lib! Evade the issue and NOT have a civil debate... Good job and I hope you enjoy seeing our military being destroyed and become another perverted social experiment at the hands of a bunch of perverts on the Hill.
SFC Leo McIntyre
SFC Leo McIntyre
>1 y
1LT (Join to see) - Seriously! But it's ok for the 'other person' to SELL OFF 20% of our Nations Uranium Assets to them and LINE her own pocket?!?! WTF??
LTC Immigration Judge
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
SFC Leo McIntyre - How is our military being destroyed? I've been in the army since 1984 and I don't see it declining, but rather quite the opposite. We are better trained, better equipped and better managed, though I do agree that the all of the computer-based training has gotten out-of-hand, but how is that Clinton or even Obama's fault. That nonsense is due to budget cuts, which I blame on the house GOP.

Civil debate? You don't want to have a civil debate. You ignore what is right there in the open, in all of the headlines, on every real newspaper, every real radio or TV program. Trump attacks a federal judge over his Mexican heritage. Trump calls for a complete ban on Muslims entering the US. Trump calls for deporting 11 million people, a very large percentage of them the parents, spouses or children of US citizens. Trump mocking a disabled reporter by scrunching his face and flailing a crumpled hand in a claw-like position saying "You should see this guy". Trump attacking a CONSERVATIVE reporter (Megyn Kelly) saying she is "bleeding from her eyes, bleeding from her...., wherever". Trump attacking a gold star family when they criticized his proposed muslim ban. Building a wall. Or about Trump campaigning on juvenile schoolyard insults and name-calling? Lyon' Ted, Crooked Hillary, or even racial slurs like Pocahontas? How about threatening to leave NATO? His desire to see Japan and South Korea arm themselves with nuclear weapons? His not even knowing about the Russian annexation of Crimea while calling Putin a good and strong leader? His many bankruptcies, his scam of a University, his scam on the elderly (Trump Baja Resorts), his thousands of law suits for not paying or vastly underpaying contractors. The list is endless, but you don't know how or why Trump is dangerous?

But no, you don't want a civil debate because you tolerate his racism, misogyny, hate-speech and downright dangerous policy ideas. Tell me? Do you make over $250,000 per year? I hope so, because those are the only Trump supporters who can claim that his tax plan will help them. I do make over $250,000, but honestly, I don't need the tax cut and think it is incredibly irresponsible to give it. Civil debate? Google Ben Stein on Fox Money and his latest on Trump's tax plan. Stein is a CONSERVATIVE economist who agrees, tax cuts for the rich and for corporations do NOT create jobs or raise revenue and such a plan is reckless.

No, I don't think you are capable of a civil debate, and at this late stage in the election cycle, when all of this has been out in the open for over a year (and no, its not a vast left-wing media conspiracy, IT'S TRUMP'S OWN WORDS AND ACTIONS), that proves to me that if you don't get it by now, you never will.

Welcome to my extreme-right, "Swift-Boat Believers" block list. I have no desire to waste another second trying to explain to you that which you either cannot, or simply refuse to see
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