Responses: 473
this dirt bag should be beat down and shot a total disgrace to any marine or any other man or woman who voluntarily chose to wear the uniform of any of the branches of the united states military and wore the uniform properly and were proud of it
WTF. This douchebag can't decide whether he's a multi award rifle expert or sharpshooter. What's with the Aiguillette?? I guess he figured that shoulder needed a little something extra. Horrible alignment on his fake medals, ribbons and badges. Cover wrong and what's with the glasses? Are those prescription? I can't see all his hash marks but it looks like he's been in for over twenty years and he's only a SSGT?? Find a deep hole, toss this assbag in and cover him up.
I would send him through boot camp, send him to the worst duty assignment and let him learn to repsect the Marines, he can earn his way out!
The one thing to do is to prosecute the person (Male-Female) and as a source of correction while incarcerated have them go through a type of Basic Training so they can have an understanding of Military Life and the Sacrifices behind those Decorations they wear.
If Prisons can in act a Boot Camp system for convicted Felons not pertaining the Military, let these "POSER's "GET SOME of THAT"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If Prisons can in act a Boot Camp system for convicted Felons not pertaining the Military, let these "POSER's "GET SOME of THAT"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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