Responses: 4
I think that labeling it as a "war on dissent" is an oversimplication. It is far more sinister than that. It is a war on liberty. We've been drifting away from our roots as Americans, lured by the siren song of promises of equality of outcome and lots of free stuff. All we have had to do is surrender individual responsibility. Oh, it's tempting to give authority to others so that they can make the decisions and be responsible for the outcomes. Sadly, as we surrender responsibility, we fail to see that responsibility and liberty are welded, two sides of the same coin.
We have been betrayed to foriegn interests. They are destroying our economy and our ability to defend ourselves. Both Party's point at each other and fill their pockets with foriegn money. THIRD WORLD HERE WE COME
Politicians create these problems then run re-election campaigns promising to fix the problem they created. Both sides do it and we the People continue to fall for it.
LTC (Join to see)
That is the complete overwhelming of a structure. For example : Democrats created the immigration problem we have today . Dems and the media along with Hollywood and MSM then push their liberal agenda on the other half of America. If you are against it then you are a racist or your hate foreigners.
MCPO Roger Collins
Like the arsonist fireman. During both my careers, I never understood the so-called problem solvers getting so much credit. My goal was preventing problems before they become problems.
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