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Responses: 3
CSM Chuck Stafford
The true threat are those from either side who demonize the other as not having any redeeming qualities. IMHO, the side that preaches tolerance seems to have more intolerants... The vast majority of all of us are in the middle of this crap sandwich
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SPC Michael Terrell
It's amazing that all of the people that go on shooting sprees are Democrats? You know that if it was a conservative they would be foaming at the mouth to gloat.
SrA John Monette
SrA John Monette
1 h
Funny how the democrats want peace and tolerance but the republicans preach hate and divisiveness
SGT Aaron Atwood
SGT Aaron Atwood
1 h
SrA John Monette they like peace and tolerance as long as everyone falls in their line of agenda, and even then only those as fundamentalistic as the SS and Gestapo. You can be a visible left winger, but the moment you say that Kamala could've done better at something, or perhaps Joe: you're automatically shunted out of their club. Who came up with the idea to separate Americans by their ethnic demographics (Asian/African/Hispanic/etc. American)? I'm 99.9% sure no Republican was part of that idea or process. Republicans don't say that in order to be anti-racist you have to target anyone whose appearance is white (never mind whether or not the person in question is of European descent).

And then there's the history factor. Republicans enacted the legislation to formally end slavery, and literally paid for it with their lives and blood in the 19th century. The KKK isn't a Republican invention, but a Democrat one.

Shall I go on?
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MSG Stan Hutchison
Gene, I think you are speaking about the MAGA minions.
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
4 h
Once again,opinions.
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