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Responses: 5
MAJ Ken Landgren
Edited >1 y ago
During his impeachment he lied, attacked people, blamed others, blamed the Democrats, and fired people. He is doing the same with the pandemic. However the senate will not bail him out this time. The fact we have the most cases of any nation is on Trump and his administration. His actions caused more deaths. He is playing for real, but he is so stuck in his ways and self loving, much to the detriment of the country when we needed a real leader at the most somber of times.

He is power hungry and believes his sheer will power will provide leadership to the country. He proiveds us an alternate reality that he expects us to believe. There are two types of people in the world, one who builds things and one who destroys things. Trump destroys things. He threatens government employees and appoints people with no requisite experience to various posts. One such example is the Director of DHS. The director is responsible of protecting the country and unifying all agencies in the national disaster preparedness and mitigation has no experience in that field. Think about that logic.

Like a mafia boss he has appointed LTs who are loyal to him. This in itself corrupts the government as his goal is self interest. A prime example is Trump touting the incorrect path of a hurricane, but NOAA had no spine to correct him. The senate had no spine to impeach him. His MO is to attack people and organizations, not to build up people and organizations. His self love includes the self perception that his brilliance provides guidance to the country. He is the epitome of chaos. His first year he was defending the lies he made as a candidate. He was also ordered by the NY Supreme Court to pay back $2 million to a veterans charity from which he used illegally to fund his campaign and to purchase miscellaneous things like a huge painted portrait of himself. He went on the defensive about sharing his tax returns to the public.

Trump further fomented chaos by sanctioning tariffs on Chinese goods. This materially hurt the farming community, now some of the farmers are getting billions of federal funds to keep them afloat. He also brags about his economy. In all actuality his GNP growth rate is around 2.1% a year. That indicates there is really not much growth in total products, services, and income. The fallacy is if the GNP grows by 1%, it can usher an era of the greatest economy ever in the history of the US. One more item. Trump Corp was working with the Chinese government in 2018 to develop Indonesia. I view this as a huge conflict of interest to be negotiating with the Chinese government in regards to tariffs but working with the Chinese government on a joint real estate venture.

We watched as corporations were given huge tax breaks while funding for the hungry, poor, and disabled were reduced. He said he would look at putting social security on the table as well. Do you see a trend? Has Trump said anything noble like I want no child in the US to go hungry? Because some children in the US do go hungry. No he is more concerned about taking care of corportions.

Trump brought upon himself and the US more chaos. He broke the constitution by delaying and deleting funds to the Ukraine. The Impound Control Act of 1974 which has a constitutional basis states the POTUS must notify congress of any delays and deletions of funds. Trump and the Republicans claimed they were concerned about corruption. That is quite laughable as the investigation was solely focused on the family of a political rival. Does a man who ran a fake real estate university, who misused veterans charity funds, and wants to legalize bribery is a man who adamantly despises corruption? Well you get the story. The senate and the party bailed him out in the impeachment process.

That is where Trump is at now. He is a man who fires people, appoints undeserving people, talks about alternate realities, blames others, blames the democrats and the media, bends the administration to his whims, who thinks his sheer will power and genius makes a difference, and knows he is supported by his party regardless of the appropriateness of his actions.

This created a perfect storm for COVID-19. Various medical experts warned him about the COVID-19 threat, but he did not heed the warnings. It did not help the situation when he disbanded the Pandemic Team in the NSC. In a time when the US needed strong and effective leadership, Trump hurt the country by farting rainbows out of his ass and reiterated that all is good even when the pandemic started to expand in the country. His prevailing mood and thoughts gave no fire or letigatmacy to the administration, specifically, those in the medical community and DHS to ramp up for the growing threat. It appeared he was more concerned about his 2.1% GNP growth and his economy and his reelection.

By the time Trump called the pandemic a National Emergency, it was too late, the COVID-19 was amongst us. We tried to go zero to 100 instantaneously, but that is now how things work in this world. Because we had no gradual ramp up, we had insufficient tests, supplies, and PPEs. Hospitals were running out of those items. DHS is supposed to provide unified leadership to the nation, but it is quite evident they were AWOL as the administration acted randomly in nature. Pence was designated as the head of the Task Force, but what kind of experience does he have in this endeavor? Did the agencies who are supposed to take the lead in their respective fields throw up their hands and say thank god we are not in charge? Kushner was appointed to be part of the Task Force leadership but he became more of a hinderance as he bashed the states about federal support and stating the Federal Emergency Stock was not for the states. I guess nobody told Kushner that the federal government support state governments. A huge AAR comment in regards to Hurricane Katrina was the lack of a unified response, and we are seeing that occur now. This administration lacked the intelligence, experience, imagination, and humility to provide the nation a coherent and rational response. The senate can't bail out Trump this time. The pandemic response is on him and his administration. This is an example of complete leadership failure at so many levels.

I have been begging for an answer to my question for the last 3 years. If generals are fired for lying, cheating, stealing, poor leadership, toxic leadership, are self centered and delusional; why should we accept a president to have all those traits? It does not make any sense.

On the bright side, I have confidence in ARNORTH and the commander LTG Richardson. She has a robust staff of experts and the backing of the DoD. ARNORTH Liasson Officers are plugged in with all the states' EOCs and support the states in many manners that the federal government cant provide. Thus far they have looked at 700 sites for makeshift hospitals, provided medical teams, hospital ships, augmented states with hospital capacity, provides security, provides logistics for various reasons, provides morturary affairs capacity, food and water distribution, provides quick contracting capacity, runs wharehouses, runs call centers, and supports local authorities and first responders.
LTC Multifunctional Logistician
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
MAJ Ken Landgren and that is found where in the Constitution?
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
>1 y
It’s obvious you have not done any research. LTC (Join to see)
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - It's at Art. II, § 3, cl. 5 "[H]e shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed. . .", which means that when Congress passes a bill that says this money is to go to this purpose, and the bill is signed by the President and becomes law, that he cannot divert or hold the funds. This isn't the first time that a President has overstepped his bounds, but you really don't care if he violates the law or not, do you?
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
>1 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - Yes the founding fathers were concerned about presidents like Trump who would not faithfully execute budgets appropriated by congress thus exercising power that were not intended for their own purposes.
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Thank you for the video share sir
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SGT Lou Meza
Nowadays if his lips are moving he’s lying.
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