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Responses: 9
MSgt C Madd
SSgt Ray Stone Restraint happens everyday in USA Law enforcement, just not newsworthy.
SSG Program Control Manager
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
It's always the exception to the rule that make the news, the officer who made a questionable call instead of the officer who clearly made the right call.
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SGM Erik Marquez
It is true there is a very small percentage of law-enforcement that act criminally just like there’s a very small percentage of former service members who are ignorant or intentionally prefer to spew nonsense because it fits their bias and agenda
SN Greg Wright
SN Greg Wright
>1 y
Lol fire for effect, SGM. Though sadly, it'll go over this particular poster's head.
Sgt John H.
Sgt John H.
>1 y
I guess Canada is akin to Utopia
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Cpl Jeff N.
And if the cop had ended up dead? I am not sure the driver of the van had a gun but had he, restraint could have equaled death. I love how you call this country AmeriKKKa and yet remain and millions try to enter from all over the world every single year. It must be strange living in your world where you hate something so bad but cannot part with it.,
SSgt Ray Stone
SSgt Ray Stone
>1 y
You're mad because I point out the biased policing and hypocrisy in Law enforcement. And that they only serve and protect a certain segment of the population and are more likely to kill unarmed Blacks, yet whites kill cops at a higher rate than others. Do you honestly believe the women in the links below would be alive if they were black


Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
>1 y
First, I am not mad. People like yourself only warrant pity. You are so aggrieved and hateful and sure that someone is out to get you, you merit only pity. You think America is a bastion of racism/hate/injustice etc. but name a few places you would rather live than here. I can think of none and I have been many places.

So when a police department like Baltimore has the issues it has, it is racism too? Cops are humans, humans make mistakes, have biases, over react, under react etc. I am willing to give cops the benefit of the doubt. When I think they are wrong, I call them out and have done so in this very site on many occasions.

I don't doubt there are bad cops, there are bad everything. If cameras followed you or I everywhere we went on the job, every interaction, I wonder how we would fare under the spotlight?
SSgt Ray Stone
SSgt Ray Stone
>1 y
Cpl Jeff N. - We didn't ask to come here. So deal. And I see you didn't answer my question regarding the links I posted
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