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Responses: 1
PO3 Steven Sherrill
@1SG James W. it is marked clearly as unclassified. That strikes me as odd. I would think something that would give a potential adversary insight to how targets are selected would be at the very minimum COFIDENTIAL. Most of it is common sense stuff. How does it hurt the enemy? How will they react? What is the risk to civilian population? Though it makes sense to ask those questions from a fiscal perspective as well. If we are going to use a two billion dollar drone to drop a one million dollar bomb on a building, there better be a damned good reason to do so. Otherwise it is just a waste of resources. I don't have any idea how much it costs per mission, not including ordinance, to attack a target, but when it all works out that has to be a consideration as well. It is more complicated when talking about boots on the ground. When attacked, shoot the attacker, simple straight forward. Where it gets complicated is when a patrol is out, and has to make a split second decision as to whether the car coming toward them is a threat, or just some person driving around. Is that thing under the kid's jacket an IED or a soccer ball? Is that guy on the phone giving intel to the enemy, or just talking to his buddies? These are the assessments that have to be made on the spot under pressure, and must be correct. Far more complicated that planning a strategic strike. Interesting article. Thanks for sharing.
1SG Military Police
1SG (Join to see)
8 y
Agreed. The writer stated that it was For Official Use Only so I'm assuming that is marked on the document itself somewhere that we didn't get to see. A good illustration of this (in my world) is Emergency Vehicle Operations. If that course is presented to military or law enforcement classes it is freely distributed as Unclassified. If the course is presented to military or law enforcement classes when foreign partners are on campus, the materials are restricted and they are not allowed to participate in that segment because although it is Unclassified it is also NOFORN because it contains TTPs.
PO3 Steven Sherrill
PO3 Steven Sherrill
8 y
1SG (Join to see) - And that is something relatively, no disrespect intended, harmless. So how is it that procedures for selecting a target are not classified at any level? Just makes not sense at all to me.
1SG Military Police
1SG (Join to see)
8 y
PO3 Steven Sherrill - Allowing anyone today access to your Tactics Techniques & Procedures, that may be your enemy tomorrow is negligent at best. However, I agree the targeting manual should have been classified higher.
PO3 Steven Sherrill
PO3 Steven Sherrill
8 y
1SG (Join to see) - True enough. which keeps circling back to your point that if we are smart enough to keep tactics NOFORN, why are we not smart enough to do that with targeting? Further how can we prosecute people for mishandling classified information when we don't have a consistently applied classification process. I am ready to pull out my hair thinking about this insanity.
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