Posted on Jul 24, 2020
The Media Can’t Stop Misleading on Guns | National Review
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
The only reason a government or party would want to disarm the population, in any capacity, is to become lords over subjects. As long as a population is allowed to defend themselves they will always be free. No authoritarian will ever end the evil that a human being is capable of. I accept that risk. I choose free-will.
Another small percentage of buyers are rejected by the dealer because they don't have the right documents, or those documents are expired. A friend of mine tried to buy another gun a couple of weeks ago, but his driver's license is expired and he is having trouble renewing it because of the COVID-19 shutdowns. He is not a prohibited buyer otherwise.
Just the other day there was an article on here about some weapons found in NJ and in the article it mentions an AR rifle but had pictured an AR pistol. Folks here were ok here on that incredibly poor piece of journalism.

TSA catches New Jersey passenger with assault rifle 'artfully concealed' behind suitcase lining
The woman is from East Orange, N.J.
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