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Responses: 6
CPT Jack Durish
I spent most of my working life as an entrepreneur. Almost all of the contractual disputes I ever got into were with subcontractors. They typically over promised and under performed, and because my job was to shield the client from them and their problems, I had to keep a firm hand on them. I avoided court in all but one case by always including a provision for arbitration of disputes in my contracts. Now, if I were to run for office, I am certain that there would be some subcontractors who would be happy to come out of the woodwork and accuse me of using them poorly, even "cheating" them simply because they had come up on the short end of arbitration. I never worked with or for Trump, but I know others who have and they all speak highly of him. I know that he, like me, has left a few disgruntled. However, the truth is that he is not an unindicted criminal. Hillary is. The FBI has investigated thoroughly and presented a prima facie case for which she should have been indicted, however they demurred for lack of "criminal intent" even though the laws which she broke have not such requirement. We are left to assume that she is protected for political reasons only. Now her minions attack Trump ruthlessly as a canard to make Hillary's transgressions pale by comparison. They are failing. Even worse, her minions are attacking Trump supporters, physically in some cases. Although I'm no fan of Trump (managing a business is not the same as governing and I expect him to fail as Arnold Schwartzenegger failed to govern California even though he is an astute businessman), I will vote for Trump because he is not a criminal and Hillary is. Even worse, Hillary's crimes are related to abuse of power. Peddling influence. Imagine how much power she'll have to abuse, how much influence she'll be able to peddle as President.
COL Lee Flemming
COL Lee Flemming
8 y
CPT Jack Durish Sir, I guess we have that in common...I am a business owner too! Can't say that I share your opinion of Mr. Trump, but I love your impassioned analogy and comparison to yourself. I would say that he is definitely no Jack Durish!
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
8 y
COL Lee Flemming - If you can vote a criminal into office, go for it. I can't. Just keep in mind that her criminal behavior (clearly revealed in the prima facie case outlined by the FBI) relates to abuse of power and peddling influence. Image how much power she can abuse and influence she can peddle if elected President.
SFC Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
8 y
I couldn't have said it better! Why would we vote for a known criminal? Another thing that constantly astounds me is the number of US military who will vote for the criminal. She has an utter deep rooted contempt of the military. Why vote for the one who detests us? I don't get it.
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COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Lee Flemming Any "cheating" Donald Trump has been involved is pales in comparison to that of the Clintons. In addition, what a person does as a private citizen is different than what a person does when holding public office and using that office as a personal cash cow. I don't condone unethical behavior by anyone, however, corruption/ethical issues in public office is worse, in my view, than corruption /ethical issues in private business.

I don't see how people can overlook Hillary Clinton's corrupt/criminal past. Trying to divert attention to Donald Trump simply won't wash with anybody who actually uses their heads for anything more than putting a cap on it
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
8 y
COL Lee Flemming - Sir, only in the real world... politics is a strange land where right is wrong and wrong is right. I don't trust people that live there too long, they assimilate or fit right in.
PO1 Cryptologic Technician Collection
COL Lee Flemming
COL Lee Flemming
8 y
MAJ Charles Blake - awesome, awesome comment!
COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
8 y
COL Lee Flemming - Ref your comment "...it is so funny how when you post the criminal past of one candidate their RP surrogates come in and defend them by mentioning the criminal past of the other candidate." So, you think it is OK for you to post a comment about a candidate but not OK for someone else to comment on it or rebut it?
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LTC Greg Henning
COL Lee Flemming You got left spin and right spin... I am getting dizzy
COL Lee Flemming
COL Lee Flemming
8 y
I do! I am telling it like it is now on both of these candidates, because I will not have the chance when they are elected. That said I am way more conservative that I am liberal. I just hate that we have fallen in love with a man that lacks that character that we (SMs) have to embody on a daily basis!
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
8 y
The truth lies somewhere in the middle if you can hang on long enough to find it. Or if it's not hidden too deeply.
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