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Responses: 10
MAJ James Woods
Edited >1 y ago
Just had this discussion with a coworker. Reports of bomber being homeschooled and unemployed somehow implies or explains the man becoming a mad bomber. What the hell?!

What's worse is two days ago I listened to a Tucker Carlson interview with a man who stated 'a parent should pull their kids from a class the moment the discussion starts talking about equality, inclusion, diversity, and social integration'. Talk about irony.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
>1 y
Unless the subjects of equality, inclusion, diversity, and social integration have something to do with the subject matter of the class, or a specific disciplinary issue... absolutely yes children should be pulled from the classroom until the parents have the opportunity to address the matter with the school administration.

I as a parent have the ability to preview the texts and syllabus of civics and history and civics classes where I fully expect these subjects to be addressed. I can then anticipate the time frame of particular matters where I want input via dinner table discussions.

If a math teacher gets a burr under his blanket because of a previous days headline and decides to spout off in class about immigration law and enforcement, I have no opportunity to determine what my child is going to hear from that authority figure, and to exercise my rights as a parent.
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
>1 y
Maj John Bell - Yes I understand your point. Lets assume the class is a history or social studies class and "equality, inclusion, diversity, and social integration" are addressed. My presumption is this guy would've still directed parents to pull their kid from the class cause in his opinion the discussion in general marginalizes one's importance in society. I should've mentioned the topic of Carlson's show was how U.S. men are being marginalized in US job culture and wages conveniently during U.S. Women's History month.
Bottomline, home schooling isn't a noteworthy issue unless the education the kid is receiving was detrimental to his/her integration into American society, values, culture and full of bias, bigotry, and distrust of the government structure.
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Maj John Bell
Really!?!?..., of all the nuggets in the AP report, AP pulls out that the murderer was home-schooled?
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CWO3 Us Marine
Apparently there was no wood shed at the home.
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