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Responses: 4
SPC (Other / Not listed)
Edited 10 mo ago
Tyson likes to say there's no God.
But Tyson looks within the creation and doesn't "see" God.
What Tyson doesn't, evidently, understand is that the Creator does not exist within His created universe.
Tyson doesn't, evidently, understand that God is too big to live within creation.
Matter of fact, should God try to live in His created universe, that universe would EXPLODE!
I don't understand why Tyson cannot understand that God lives OUTSIDE of the created universe that Tyson likes to study.
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
PO1 H Gene Lawrence
10 mo
Sheer ignorance!
SPC (Other / Not listed)
SPC (Join to see)
10 mo
PO1 H Gene Lawrence - Gene, Tyson likes to tangle with Evangelical fundamentalist-literalist Christians. I guess he doesn't know that these kinds of Christians are less than 25% of Christendom. I wish that he'd taken on the late, Rt. Rev. (Episcopal) Bishop John Shelby Spong. Spong would have made Tyson's finite mind spin! Spong wrote twenty-eight books including, "Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism," "The Sins of Scripture," "A New Christianity for a New World," and "Why Christianity Must Change or Die."
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PO1 H Gene Lawrence
Since God always was and is, anything is possible.
SPC (Other / Not listed)
SPC (Join to see)
10 mo
Gene, AMEN!
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PO3 Shayne Seibert
Edited 10 mo ago
I think that the "Big Bang" wasn't an instantaneous happening. My theory is that the "Beginning" of this universe happened over hundreds of millions of years before the first galaxy formed. We know mathematically how long it takes for a star to form. We know how long it takes for a planet to form from the remnants of the accretion disk leftover from star formation and the gravitational formation once a star is formed.
Our minds simply cannot fathom the expanse of the universe. We have to have a beginning, but that beginning may be far earlier than we will ever understand.
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