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Responses: 2
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
Growing up We had the Ford vs Chevy although both were good but it didn't get nasty, just pride in Your own hot set of wheels.
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Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Still can't wrap my arms around an electric Mustang. Is it really a Mustang or an electric car with a popular nameplate?
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Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen - The guy mentioned in the article that he drove his Mustang Mach-E coast-to-coast with no issues and it cost him less than $200.00.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
>1 y
CMSgt Al Nall Guess it depends on what you consider issues and how long it took. I can drive from my home in Florida to Monterey CA in 2 days for around $270 at 3.00/gal.
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Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen - I think the primary concern for EV owners is being able to recharge on a route. Recharge stops are guaranteed to not be quick, so yeah that's an issue.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
>1 y
CMSgt Al Nall Ya, that's why I see them only as useful for commuting. My across the street neighbor has 2 EVs used for work but a Yukon if they want to go anywhere.
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With Tesla's overrated (IMO) stock price dwarfing that of Ford, what are Tesla owners so afraid of? Shouldn't the ultimate goal of EV owners be for all vehicles to go electric? If their goal is to eliminate all car companies, they need to do some soul searching.
LTC Self Employed
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I bought Tesla's 6 years ago and I sold My stock when it was at $ 600 and $700 AFTER the 5 to 1 stock split. The insanity of the stock price and people willing to buy it has helped me pay off all my debts. I also cashed out most of my Apple as well after the 4 to 1 stock split. These cars are great and they look great but what people don't realise is if you want to drive cross country like you can on a diesel or gasoline vehicle, you have a 5 or 10 minute turnaround to fill up the tank while you have a minimum 5
7 hour turnaround to charge the Battery and how many hotels have Tesla hookups? I am sure some do but you can't drive 700- 800 miles in one day very easily. If you have 2 drivers, you can't drive day-and-night like you can with a gasoline or diesel/propane powered vehicle. Going green has its pitfalls and I don't like the California and maybe even the Biden administration wants us to go all electric by 2035. We should maintain hybrid cars but the political agenda of the leftist Eco Communist types is not a surprise to me. Here in Canada, we have the 3rd largest oil reserves in the world and many provinces hate Alberta for having all this oil but yet they want the tax profits from the royalties. Pretty soon there going to do theDemocrat road use tax as a work around to when there is no more fuel to tax.

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