Posted on Nov 27, 2017
Supreme Court turns down Westboro Baptist Church challenge to funeral protest law
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
That group has no sense of decency. Good news for the families of the fallen.
Sharon Lee
Why would any decent person want to protest at a funeral? OMG! WOW... They don't realize that Elvis has left the building?!!! Funerals are closure for the family, maybe even the community or the nation. But regardless of what the living do, Elvis really did leave the building!
Good. We get them in our area frequently because we're close. They used to send faxes to us all the time announcing their plans. I refuse to give them any ink.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Foo Fighters Rick Roll Westboro Baptist Church
8/21 before the show! Jukin Media Verified (Original) * For licensing / permission to use: Contact - licensing(at)jukinmediadotcom
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
SME Gay Rights Protest 2 - WBC Leaving
Fred Phelps' WBC decided to protest our high school because we elected a gay homecoming king last year. In order to turn something so negative into a positiv...
SGT Beth Day I Am So Proud to be a Lancer
the Law the were challenging was very well and narrowly written, the WBC wins so many because lawmakers are usually sloppy and stomp all of the Constitution in overreactions to a narrow problem.
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