Posted on Dec 30, 2016
Suicide kills more U.S. troops than ISIL in Middle East
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 8
This Is A Travesty And Is Poorly Addressed By The Media And or The BHO Regime...
It Needs To Approached And Brought To The front And Center Of The Publics Awareness...
Thanks For Bring it up Kelli...
It Needs To Approached And Brought To The front And Center Of The Publics Awareness...
Thanks For Bring it up Kelli...
Thanks for sharing the interesting perspective Sgt Kelli Mays. If we inserted the Taliban or Iraqi insurgents instead of ISIS I would expect that far more are killed by the enemy than by their own hands.
As I've said before, suicide is the military's "dirty little secret". Even the language we use blames and shames - they "commit" suicide; when for many it is the result of mental illness, not drug use. My son died of suicide in September 2016, as I've said before, he felt he couldn't go to medical due to fear of reprisal by his command. That is something I have heard from so many other military parents - their children felt they couldn't get help; from junior enlisted to senior officers. The general who died of suicide last summer was kept pretty quiet by the powers that be. I don't know what the answer is, but putting in place classes and patting themselves on the back didn't work. At my son's memorial service onboard his ship, his Chief rhetorically asked if he should have noticed, if he should have known...
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