Posted on Feb 14, 2018
Steve Bannon Sees #MeToo As An 'Existential Threat' To Trump, Journalist Says
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 2
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
Trump did for a long time, he heaped praise on Bannon, and Bannon has not changed at all.

Suspended Profile
as well he should/
I take npr with a dose of “ok, yeah sure they do”... if I want ‘fresh air’ I open a window of turn on a fan to draw out the stale.. leans too far left.. but gives me insight just to see how far left they lean ...
When a ‘certain person’ was at the helm, they showed NO impartiality and fell head over heals to put out his mantra..
Bannon thought he ‘played’ Trump and tried to have him believing he was on Trump’s team.. (Trump was is wary of all his Team
and throws out little litmus tests to test their faithfulness).. So Trump was onto Bannon’s little game..
When a ‘certain person’ was at the helm, they showed NO impartiality and fell head over heals to put out his mantra..
Bannon thought he ‘played’ Trump and tried to have him believing he was on Trump’s team.. (Trump was is wary of all his Team
and throws out little litmus tests to test their faithfulness).. So Trump was onto Bannon’s little game..
SSgt Boyd Herrst
Trump wants tbose who talk the talk, to walk the walk.. he wants some discourse, but not that that causes the team to tear apart..
Susan Foster
Actually they have a left-center bias, not an extremely left bias (mediabiasfactcheck) and high factual reporting. Just because they wrote it doesn't mean it isn't true. I knew Bannon was crazy when DT got him. His ouster was long in the making, and doing that high-media profile last spring and clashing with others in the administration made it work. John Kelly sealed the deal.
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