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Responses: 4
SSG Michael Hartsfield
Safe the weapon
Drop the mag
Rack back the bolt or slide
See that the round is ejected
Slide bolt forward
If there is another way of clearing a weapon, I don't know it
SGM Erik Marquez
SGM Erik Marquez
>1 y
SSG Michael Hartsfield "If there is another way of clearing a weapon, I don't know it"
LOL, did you read the article?????

I know what you meant, and good on you... Thanks.

I see muzzles go all over when "smart trained" guys try and do a fancy capture the round as they clear trick. and that is reason enough to just do as you do, but perhaps do so over a surface close at hand to "catch" the round vice letting it hit the ground.

So muzzle awareness is one reason NOT TO do that silly catch the round thing..,, but now getting your hand blown off from a trapped and fired cartridge not completely chambered is another GREAT reason to site.
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PO3 Steven Sherrill
SGM Erik Marquez I store my weapon in a padded case. When the time comes to unload the weapon, I hold it horizontally over the padded case, then rack the slide allowing the live round in the chamber to fall onto the inside of the case. Then check the well and chamber, then release the slide. Once it is unloaded I store the round with the other ammunition, and store the weapon.
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SSG Aircraft Mechanic
I never put my hand over the ejection port regardless of the platform. With the M-4/M-16, one hand on the pistol grip, the other on the charging handle. With the M9 I grip the slide with my thumb and forefinger at the safety lever and pull back. I use a similar method with my personal Sig which is minus the safety lever. With MGs, my hands never go near the chamber until I've looked to make sure there isn't a live round in there.

A few cents worth of brass, copper, and lead isn't worth hands or fingers.
SSG Aircraft Mechanic
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I've got a P250 SC and that's one thing I noticed. The slide catch is pretty stiff.
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