Posted on Sep 11, 2015
Special Forces Soldier Calls Out Fake SF At T.F Green Airport, Stolen Valor
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 141
I hope I don't ever encounter a Fake...not sure if I could compose myself and not hurt someone!
CPL Jesse Jones
I was Special Forces as a PFC to, what's wrong with that? Lol I can't wait til these fakes run Into some 82nd AIRBORNE's!
SPC Robby Robinson
CPL Jesse Jones - When were you in an ODA? What group? I could be wrong, so please feel free to clarify:
I am aware there is now a path from civilian to Green Beret with an 18X contract. However, I thought (and again I could be mistaken) that those 18X candidates who successfully complete Infantry OSUT / Airborne School / SFAS / Q course will enter an ODA with a minimum rank of E-5.
If I am not mistaken, the four entry level 18 series MOS's are Special Forces Weapons Sergeant / Special Forces Engineer Sergeants / Special Forces Medical Sergeants / Special Forces Communications Sergeants.....
Is this incorrect?
I am aware there is now a path from civilian to Green Beret with an 18X contract. However, I thought (and again I could be mistaken) that those 18X candidates who successfully complete Infantry OSUT / Airborne School / SFAS / Q course will enter an ODA with a minimum rank of E-5.
If I am not mistaken, the four entry level 18 series MOS's are Special Forces Weapons Sergeant / Special Forces Engineer Sergeants / Special Forces Medical Sergeants / Special Forces Communications Sergeants.....
Is this incorrect?
SGT Rhett Murphy
SPC Robby Robinson - I think he was being scarcastic and pointing out another obvious error on that poser's uniform!
CPT David Bernheim
SPC Robby Robinson - I love new vocabulary words! Is it pronounced as it is spelled? I want to be certain I am accurate. Hooah!
SPC Joshua Beckett
Good idea, how about we give ISIS all of our stolen valor turds to use for their videos?
CPT David Bernheim
SPC Robby Robinson - Thanks for taking the time to "square me away". I'm now just another snake in the weeds with you. And you know what they say about "Old snake venom..."
CPT David Bernheim
SPC Joshua Beckett - If Daesh (see what I did there?) will take 'em, that would be fine with me. Wish a creative judge would require they work CCAT flights from the sandbox to Ramstein and/or Landstuhl so they can see what true valor costs. If that is too much, have them volunteer at Dover.
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