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Responses: 3
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
LTC Eugene Chu I Heard, Bloody Amazing!
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SGT Aaron Atwood
I doubt the sales conducted by the PDs were done in any shady way as that would've opened a whole different and much bigger can of worms. My guess is (and it's only a guess) is that the buyers lessened their situational awareness at the wrong time, or didn't take the safekeeping of their firearms seriously, and thus said firearms were stolen. I'm also curious about how many of these "crimes" were the PD sales buyers utilizing said firearms in self defense. Every self defense case where guns are used: 90% of the time the prosecuting DA will file charges to make the defender prove their innocence. It's a big reason why organizations like the UCCA recommend having a solid lawyer on speed dial in case you have to use your firearm to preserve your life.
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MSG Thomas Currie
Any police department that destroys guns is wasting taxpayer money -- it does not matter whether those guns are former department guns or "crime" guns or guns seized by the department in other ways.

The only thing even stupider than destroying guns that are the property of the police department are those few departments that still waste manpower and money buying guns just to destroy (although most don't directly use taxpayer money for this nonsense).
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