Posted on Dec 12, 2019
Should the US beef up military presence in the Baltics? Congress wants to know.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
I was there in 97 for Baltic Challenge (PFP-Estonia). I noticed lots of folks taking pictures. We had to wear cammies on the one day of liberty, so we were pretty obvious. We caught a train from Pildiski to Tallinn. Lots of kids riding the hydroplane boats from Finland for drinking. Also lots of Red Army, according to a Estonian MOC that helped us navigate the back alleys. He was one of the early SF (SFG 5 Nam) operators, from when languages were a priority. He wasn't assigned as it was just myself and our Det's SNCOs; just a chance meeting. I believed him then and now, based on a feeling you get sometimes.
Or we can just isolate ourselves and let Russia take over the rest of the world. We fought against that for over 50 years. Do we give up now?
That's a helluva interesting question. Who should answer it? I suspect that the correct answer is, the President with advice and consent of all appropriate Cabinet officers and the military. The rest of us may have opinions, but that's where the responsibility lies. Of course, the next step is in selling that "answer" to Congress where the purse strings lie. Hopefully, Congress is willing to listen. Do you think they are, or are they so focused on destroying this President that they will obstruct his efforts regardless of their merits?
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