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Responses: 18
MSG Stan Hutchison
Perhaps those funds are to find a better candidate than Trump in 2020.
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CWO3 Us Marine
Plenty of Wall St profits to spread around.
MSgt James Mullis
MSgt James Mullis
7 y
True, but these are the small donations coming from individual voters.
CWO3 Us Marine
CWO3 (Join to see)
7 y
Individual voters are in the market also. More profits means more discretionary income means more donations. The big guys are bundling through super pacs anyway and have been for awhile.
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Capt Jeff S.
Not surprising considering that corruption combined with election/voter fraud seems to be the norm rather than the exception with the Democratic Party. When Hillary got caught rigging her own Primary and cheating in the debates, that opened a lot of voters eyes.

Nobody expected Trump to win because he had everything stacked against him... but he tapped into America's discontent with Washington Establishment politicians who have been fleecing taxpayers and running up the national debt with their irresponsible spending. Obama, who had all the answers, criticized GW's spending and then outspent in one term what it took GW two terms to spend and with no record of success to run on, he won re-election with > 100% of registered voters in key precincts in the Swing States and nobody seriously looked into the rampant election fraud that took place or made much fuss over Obama's use of government agencies to punish those who oppose his political agenda. That didn't set well with voters tired of D.C. politics as usual... so instead of embracing crooked lying Hillary, they opted for outsider Trump who promised to clean up the corruption in Washington and return control of the government back to the people -- as it was when this country was founded.

The fact that Trump is being treated so harshly by the same media than fawned all over Obama, is simply confirmation that America picked the right guy for the job. The media endorsed candidate after candidate only to see them drop out of the race. They wanted anyone but Trump but the more they go after him the more they anger voters who picked him. They had no answer to Trump, who beat them on a limited budget and campaigned smartly.

Trump has the corruptocrats on edge because he is threatening to undo everything they have done to make nests for themselves and get rich off the sweat of taxpayers. More power to him. The more the media attacks Trump and the more politically motivated and scripted race-baiting demonstrations they cover, the more they undermine their own credibility. They clearly underestimated the response from the voting public to their manipulation of our news and elections.

Power to the people -- where it belongs!!!
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